By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column
You know, just when you think it could not get any worse with the MAGA Knuckle-dragging crowd playing the race card, good ol’ boy J.D. Vance, always ready to please his puppet master, Don the Con, created out of whole cloth, outrageous stories of Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio kidnapping dogs and cats and consuming them for a quick lunch.
Now mind you, there is no evidence whatsoever of any Haitian immigrants picking their teeth after a delicious meal of roasted Siamese Cat a l’orange with wild rice and a tart arugula salad.
For the weird duo of Don the Con and Vance, truth is an abstract construct subject to differing interpretations depending upon their mood and the circumstances and, of course, the polls.
If there is ever a subject that would cause America’s dog and cat lovers to go apoplectic, it would be visions dancing in their heads of poor Fido and Fluffy the cat being barbequed over hickory pellets flavored with a sprig or two of sage.
I hear that Hannibal Lecter, one of Trump’s favorite movie characters, favors such cookouts but with his preferred choice of dog being Dalmatians or small terriers.
Understand that during the recent debate, Kamala Harris took Trump’s lunch money and then she circled back and took his shoes! Trump tried to divert the national attention off that debacle; and what diversion is better than telling cat and dog lovers that Haitians are devouring dogs and cats in the heart of America…Ohio.
Imagine the chagrin of the Ohio governor, Mike DeWine, having to chastise his own state’s senator for generating that lie and then when confronted over the sheer nonsense of that lie, Vance doubles down even admitting that he made it up!
Why does a senator kick his own home state in the teeth with such fanciful and outrageous lies…and why?
Don the Con knows that his base has itching ears for all things race based and to race bait them is a proven winner!
Trump remembers the media mileage he sucked out of the blatant lie that Barack Obama was not one of “us” but rather he was not even born in the good ol’ US of A. It was so bad that Obama had to produce a certified copy of his birth certificate showing his place of birth was in Hawaii.
Not enough? Well, remember Don the Con and his father were sued by the US government for discrimination in rental housing when it was discovered that father and son used “codes” to sift and sort out applicants who were non-white.
Still not enough? How about Don the Con taking out full page ads in NYC demanding the death penalty for those who were known as the Central Park Five but who were exonerated after spending years in jail. No apology from Trump.
Still not enough? How about Don the Con calling Black women b*tches
Or when he castigated Black football players for siding with Colin Kaepernick during his protest days?
I mean…I could go on and on about Don the Con deliberating, denigrating and degrading Black people, but you get the picture. This latest grab for media attention again involves people of color fictitiously engaged in heinous acts of eating household pets and taking geese from the public ponds in Springfield, Ohio.
On the hot question of immigration, Don the Con and Vance have decided to place all their political chips on this issue regarding dogs and cats being devoured by Haitian immigrants in Springfield.
Note: Don the Con and his sycophantic Vance would not know a Haitian immigrant from a Black person who lives on Batavia or Parkside Blvd unless someone opened their mouth and said, “Hey Mon!”
In their warped thinking and vivid imaginations, ALL Black people regardless of their place in the diaspora and that including South America, Caribbean, Africa and the US of A., are potentially dog and cat eaters!
Don the Con and his robot Vance have no respect for people of color and Trump has even called Haiti and certain African countries, sh*thole countries.
That racist vitriol should tell you volumes about his racial animus towards anyone that is not of Nordic descent.
Would Vance fabricate, much less double down, on such rabid stories if the immigrants in question were from Norway, Germany, or Ireland? Of course not! Those immigrants, the MAGA GOP favors…but not so much the Haitians, Nigerians and those from the Congo who may make their way to America.
Trump stated that if he wins the White House, he is going to deport thousands of Haitians from Springfield, even though they are legally in the city and were invited to Springfield to work jobs that were lacking manpower.
So, when this dog and cat fetish of Trump and Vance fades away, stay tuned for other just as outrageous tales from the MAGA swamp pit to deflect you from realizing that Trump is both amoral and has no agenda, just hate and division as his true running mates.
Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com
comments to: tolliver@juno.com