By Paul Hubbard, President, Comfort Care Senior Services
Guest Column
The Black community understands the fact that caregivers are essential to the well-being of families and the economy of the community. Their sacrifices save lives and allow older adults and other with long- or short-term illnesses or dishabilles to receive treatment at home. Caregivers are a crucial part of our health care system.
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) says as the population ages, the demands on family caregivers are going to increase stress on caregivers’ bodies and minds. The majority of caregivers with employment suffer from mental health challenges, and many say they are too burned out to do their career jobs as well as they want to, according to an AARP survey.
In our Black community women tend to deal with most of the caregiving load. We know that young couples can be sandwiched between caring for their aging parents and their own kids. Caregivers reported in a AARP survey that despite the multitude of challenges they face, helping a family member or friend in need has a positive impact on their lives. It brings a sense of purpose and pride.
Caregiving spans the spectrum. It touches every race, religion and income bracket. When we come together to support and lighten the burden for caregivers, we reaffirm what it means when we say, “it takes a village to support a family.”