Carla Thomas
The Truth Contributor
I love reading. One day while perusing the tightly packed shelves of my bookcases, poring over my extensive collection, and admiring my eclectic taste, as I excitedly rediscovered books I had totally forgotten about, I noticed something simply amazing . . . I had quite a collection of books by local authors . . . local African-American authors.
Of course, this realization was way too amazing to keep to myself, so I did what we all do when we assume what is remarkable to us will be remarkable to others . . . I arranged all the books on a flat service, making sure each title was visible, snapped a picture, and posted it on Facebook.
In this case my assumption was right. The response in support of the authors was incredible. People expressed interest in purchasing their books, congratulated them on their accomplishments and even tagged other authors to the post. Someone also suggested I do an article/photo spread featuring African-American authors for the Truth and so . . . here it is.
The six authors featured here are but a small representation of the literary excellence residing in our city however, these six answered the “call for authors” and agreed to be a part of this feature.

There truly is greatness amongst us. If you’ve ever aspired to write a book, may these authors inspire you to move continually toward that goal.
Beyond the book covers, you will find sorrow, redemption, shame, healing, the will to overcome and the motivation to thrive. All these authors have found the ability to tap into the depth of their being-ness and the courage to share their pain and gain, trauma and triumph, motivational excellence and expertise, and fictitious imaginings with their readers.
Whatever path they’ve taken on the road to authorship, the commonality is their creative expression, and desire to tell a story . . . their story.
This article is in no way an extensive look into the lives or background of each individual author however, let it serve as an introduction for you to explore and support each of them further.
I present to you . . . best selling, fact-based fiction, author and poet, Lena Banks; author and licensed, ordained Elder, Iva Brassfield; author and CEO of Amazing Grace Childcare and Charming Gal Boutique, Charmain Galloway; family pastor at Toledo First Assembly of God and author, Fanell Elane Williams; certified resume writer, career coach, and owner of Careers In Bloom, author Tiffany Lewis; public speaker and author, Ralph Warren.