Rep. Grim Says Real State of the State is Ohioans Deserve Better

State Rep. Michele Grim

State Rep. Michele Grim (D-Toledo) last week responded to Governor DeWine’s State of the State address.

“Ohioans deserve a budget that puts people first-one that lowers costs, strengthens public schools, and ensures families can thrive. While the governor’s budget includes positive steps like a child tax credit and expanded childcare, it neglected to address the high prices and rising property taxes that are squeezing families – and ignored the looming threat of severe cuts to Medicaid, SNAP, Head Start, and Pell Grants being pushed by his party in Washington. Ohio House Democrats are fighting for a budget that prioritizes working families, seniors, and students over tax breaks for the wealthy because Ohioans deserve better,” said Rep. Grim.

House Democrats are committed to making sure people deserve better: better pay, better healthcare, fairer taxes, safer communities, real opportunities, and a future where no one is held back.