By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column
Question: Which one or ones of the below proposed immigration notices would you prefer if you have the sole power to determine who enters this country…or who does not.
Such notices would periodically run in newspapers and podcast adverts. Remember, before you answer, the death rate in America is purportedly rising higher than the white birthrate, which means the US of A will need a surplus of new people (called immigrants) to offset the death rate, support Social Security payments, new enlistees in the military; workers for the menial low paying jobs that many white Americans simply will or would not take.
Did I fail to inform you that these ads will only run in the following countries:
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Belgium, Scotland, England, Wales, Canada, The Netherlands, Denmark, Greece, Russia, Poland, Germany, South Africa and France.
Oh! Did I fail to inform you that if you are from one of the above-mentioned countries and you wish entry into the US of A and you have a college degree or a skills trade, are married and have children, you qualify for the following incentives:
(1) reimbursement for your travel expenses up to three thousand dollars.
(2) housing allowance (including rentals) of seven thousand dollars.
(3) coverage for medical, dental, prescription and optical benefits for the first three years for the entire family, aka: Obamacare.
(4) fast track for immigration clearance.
(5) job placement services, nationwide.
(6) if the incoming single male or female would serve in any branch of the military, an additional cash payment of ten thousand dollars after three years of active service upon an honorary discharge.
Remember also, that the above countries would be given favorable nation status which means that there is no limit to the number that could qualify for this program.
Wow! you say. What is the catch? You would have to show birth records that you were born in one of those countries and are at least eighteen years of age and with no felony or misdemeanor records that show violence, theft or aggravated assault charges.
Come to the vast lands that your ancestors had a hand in building and continue their journey to success and prosperity. America’s arms are open to you and your family!
AD TWO: IF NOT NOW…WHEN! Take the journey of a lifetime and come to
America and experience the vast opportunities that await you and your family!
Pursue the proverbial American Dream and see your dreams fulfilled. Treat your family to the best life has to offer!
AD THREE: HE WHO HESITATES, CAN LOSE OUT! Don’t you lose out. Email the number below or call for details on how you can fulfill your goals and dreams of
being an American! Be your own boss and the sky is the limit! Operators are on standby. Call now!
AD FOUR: Ever wondered how that phrase, “Once Upon a Time…” could be your life story? Well, it can be in America! We have the goods for you. Follow that path
to victory and chart your own course. You got what it takes, and we got what you need to succeed!
AD FIVE: Nothing Ventured…Nothing Gained! Is that you? Never wanting to venture anything because you think you will fail? Well, cheer up! America is the country for venturing and gaining and we want you to be a part of that incredible journey!
AD SIX: The Big Picture Needs You! America is opening its doors to you. We
want to showcase the world that America is the land of opportunity and hope, and we want you! Read the benefits offered and give us a call! Your success is only a phone call away!
If you could not tell by now, none of those ads went to any country that
Trump has declared is a sh*thole country which means if your skin color is not
considered or judged ethnically white, those ads do not include you. So, to the people of Sudan, Mexico, Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Morocco, Ghana, India, and China among many others, please, go away…far, far away!
Note: For those who did not read the Sunday Blade two Sundays ago, there is a story in there in which Trump is actively seeking out white South Africans to come to the US as refugees and to get settlement preferences! They told him, “no thank you.”
You cannot make this stuff up!
Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com