By Dawn Scotland
The Truth Reporter
Tim Clark, lead pastor of Harvest Christian Center, celebrated forty years of ministry October 5 at the Toledo Museum Glass Pavilion. The pastor was honored with tributes from family, friends, church members, co-workers and area leaders for his special day.
“I never thought I’d be here 40 years later. When I look back my motto was always ‘changing lives, changing futures’ and to see the people that are here today they represent people we’ve been impacting over the years…We’re just really excited about the moment,” he remarked.
Clark has led Harvest Christian Center currently located at 6540 Central Ave. for 18 years. He started the ministry in Dallas, TX at just 19 years old. “I was a young kid just loving the Lord. I preached my first sermon called “You Must Be Born Again.” I really wanted to make a change in people’s lives. I didn’t want to just preach opinion — I want to preach truth,” he reflected.
He studied the scriptures and the biblical languages and grew his ministry in Texas for 20 years before relocating to Toledo, Ohio and continuing his work transforming lives through the gospel at Harvest.
Clark was flooded with tributes Saturday afternoon, including special proclamations from the Lucas County Commissioners and the City of Toledo, presented by Crystal Harris Darnell, director of Diversity Equity and Inclusion, family tributes and acknowledgments from the IMA (Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance).
Rev. Ortis Gordon Jr., DMin, senior pastor of St. Stephen AME Church, provided remarks on behalf of the IMA, “He has been a stable for the minsters of the IMA, for the city of Toledo and Lucas County. We listen to him when he speaks because he’s a voice of wisdom, a voice of direction and he’s a voice that speaks the word of God… Harvest Christian Center I know that you are blessed every Sunday because this man is on fire for the Lord,’ Gordon stated.
Clark’s family, including his 80-year-old father, Pastor Clyde Clark, traveled from Texas for the occasion. Pastor Gaylon Clark, his young brother, now also a pastor, reflected on how Pastor Tim Clark influenced him to come to Christ.
“Nobody’s life has been more impacted and nobody’s future and been more shaped by Timothy Clark than mine,” he shared. I’m always very grateful that my bother led me to Jesus.” Clark prayed for him and encouraged him at a pivotal point in his life. “Over 30 years ago my brother prayed for this season in my life… when I am discouraged, when I don’t have anything to say… I remember my brother saying ‘I pray that you finish well’.… I’m here because of prayers being prayed,” he shared. This was just one of the many stories shared attributed to Clark’s work of ministry in the lives of others Saturday afternoon.
Harvest planning committee, his wife First Lady Felica Clark, and Donnetta Carter were instrumental in organizing the celebration. Ramona Collins provided entertainment for the western themed and packed event.
Clark is currently a partner of the firm at New York Life Company and has been with the company for seven years with 23 years in the finance industry. He serves on a host of boards in the community and including the President of the Society of Financial Service Officials and is a member of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance (IMA).
To learn more about Pastor Clark’s ministry visit the church’s website at www.toledohcc.com or on Facebook @ Harvest Christian Center Toledo.