By Tricia Hall
The Truth Reporter
Vincent Flowers attended Spring Elementary School years ago and recently returned to Toledo on Thursday, October 4, 2024 to donate 75 books to students at the school. The donated books were authored by Flowers and based upon a true story about his children, titled, Zoe and Zion Love to Bounce.
Spring Elementary first and second graders filled the cafeteria to hear the home-grown author read from the book. Following the reading, Vincent Flowers welcomed questions from the audience of youngsters and answered each question. Students asked about his life in Toledo, his life in Florida, the inspiration for the book and many other questions.
According to the Spring Elementary’s principal, the school plans to look into adding the book to the school’s onsite library.
“I wanted to continue to partnership since Mr. Flowers donated two years ago,” said Principal Sherry Coogler, EdD. “It’s also important because he was a previous student. I believe these students can connect with him and see that literacy is needed and [he will] serve as encouragement.”

Flowers published his first book, Zoe and Zion Love to Build in 2020 and copies were also donated to Spring Elementary. The first book is currently available through the Toledo Lucas County Library system. The first and second books are also available to purchase on Amazon.
“I didn’t find many children’s books for Black and Brown children, except for books written about athletes and presidents,” shared Flowers.
Flowers published his second children’s book on Father’s Day 2024 and centers around the love of two siblings and conquering fear.
Spring Elementary was selected to receive both donations because Flowers attended that school and was recommended to become an Ohio State Young Scholar, a program that provides first-generation students the opportunity to achieve higher education. Flowers credits his fifth-grade teacher, Anne Redmond, who recommended Flowers for the program. For additional information about the author or book, visit https://zoeandzionlove.com