By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column
Well, it is on! If we were in a time-warped world and could time travel back to the wished-for MAGA golden days of human chattel and human bondage, we would see the remnants of the GOP…nka: The Trump Party, hustling to the kennels of the now baying coon hounds because the scent of Kamala Harris is tracking!
With Joe Biden renouncing a run for a second term for the White House and anointing Kamala Harris as his first and only pick, the Trumpsters are in a snit because their game plan was to destroy a seemingly tottering ol’ Joe Biden with his speech gaffes and the classic old man shuffle walk.
This will not happen due to the Democratic Party rallying around Vice President Kamala Harris, big time, to be their official party standard bearer.
Trump and his sycophants have released the hounds to harass and pummel VP Harris because in their heart of hearts, they sense the smell of defeat because their old man candidate Trump (78 years old) does not have the mental acumen or the stamina to go toe to toe with a seasoned and agile prosecutor.
If you had the occasions to watch former Senator Harris in full death mode when she was terrorizing corporate fat cats during Senate hearings, you would fully understand that VP Harris throws down with impunity and with the eyes of an assassin who just caught her human prey eating lemon swirl cupcakes on a park bench.
The coon hounds have been given her scent and they are off to the races to intimidate and kneecap VP Harris but have no inkling of the tempest that awaits them.
The last thing MAGA world wants is a nationally televised debate with their convicted felon candidate trying to intimidate and stalk the VP who, in her prosecutorial career, battled and won against bullies and con artists like Trump.
A now desperate Trump is calling on House Speaker Mike Johnson to initiate some type of delaying legal actions so that the momentum of Kamala Harris can be derailed by a false reliance on time wasting legal motions to keep the VP off the ballot in certain states.
Dear Leader is not used to adroit and brilliant women (especially so with Black women) attacking him and putting him a vise headlock. Trump prefers the quiet mannered Melania and Ivanka types; not Black women cut from the intellectual cloth of giants like an Ida B. Wells, a Rosa Parks, an Angela Davis or a pistol toting no nonsense, Harriet Tubman.
What America is about to experience on their daily TV sets are duels between “the prosecutor and the felon.”
The scuttlebutt is that Trump did not and does not want to debate a skilled orator and debater as Kamala Harris because he knows such debates do not end well for his fragile ego and the MAGA cult viewers.
But, for him to hem and haw and dodge this challenge will set him up to be called a coward and worse yet a loser! And to a Black woman at that!
This upcoming election is more than important. It is monumental to the system of checks and balances and to how democracy, fragile as it is, will be safeguarded in these United States.
If White America has misgivings about electing a Black woman to the highest office in the land, then those concerns are born in stereotypes and racial tropes that have shaped racial relations for hundreds of years in this country.
The irony of the Black man and woman in America is that some of them are so patriotic to a country that, in the past, would rather lynch them than offer them a bowl of pottage, simply due to their skin color.
When you check the admirable record of Kamala Harris, you will find a woman that has sworn allegiance to the flag of this country and to uphold the laws of this nation, in spite of the hard and shameful recorded history that this country did not return the favor or any respect to Black Americans.
What to expect before the November 5 election? A lot of lies and half-truths from Trump & Company including the usual dog whistles of racial animus directed towards Kamala Harris.
Don’t be alarmed. Those are simply the death rattles of a campaign built upon the Big Lie! that is deconstructing before your very eyes.
America is going to turn the corner and vote Kamala Harris into the White House and show the world and the doubters (both Black and White) that her competence and wit and political savvy will win the day.
One of the best outcomes of Kamala Harris winning the White House?
Simple: Donald Trump will be freed up to face the consequences of his other three court cases and hopefully he will one day, not far from now, be in an orange prison jumpsuit cursing the day that he came down that fateful golden elevator at Trump Towers to announce his run for the White House.
Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com