LMH Hosts a Tom Seeman Q & A Session

By Dawn Scotland
The Truth Reporter

Lucas Metropolitan Housing hosted a book Q&A session with Tom Seeman, author of Animals Want To See: A Memoir of Growing Up in the Projects and Defying the Odds Wednesday, April 24 at TolHouse. In his debut work, Seaman, a Toledo native, details his life growing up in housing projects in Toledo to becoming a graduate of Yale and Harvard and a successful businessman.

“A lyrical coming-of-age story set in the projects of Toledo, Ohio, Animals I Want To See explores themes of identity, ambition, religion, and friendship—often across racial and social lines—as it spotlights a family of fourteen and tracks a boy’s journey from a child janitor with big dreams to a teenage petty criminal to a student at Yale and Harvard” (source:PostHillPress.com).

Seeman’s journey started in the projects in the 60’s and 70’s in Toledo, OH on Bronson Street. His debut memoir depicts his family life, hardships as well as triumphs from a young age into adulthood highlighting the help and lessons he learned along the way.  Seeman received a scholarship from St. Francis de Sales High School which greatly changed the trajectory of his life. He then went on to graduate summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Yale, nail a perfect score on his LSATs, and attend Harvard Law.

Tom Seeman shares the most important lesson he’s learned: “Every act of kindness, no matter how small makes a difference.” And every day, he tries to do something kind for a stranger. “Some days it’s something small, like letting someone into my lane in traffic,” he acknowledges, “and some days it’s something sizable, like creating a scholarship for underserved kids… Most days, my promise falls somewhere in between.” He hopes Animals I Want To See will inspire readers to both believe in their own ability to defy odds and be kinder to others. (source: ToledoLibrary.org.

Tom Seeman is a businessperson who has owned and led several businesses. He grew up in a family of 14 on welfare and food stamps in the projects of Toledo, Ohio.
Seeman currently serves on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston and on the Board of Trustees of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. He funded a scholarship that actively seeks disadvantaged students to attend St. Francis de Sales High School in Toledo—the school that generously gave him a scholarship and that he credits for helping him fulfill his dream of attending a top college. He has worked across the globe, has lived in five countries, and has traveled to over 100.

He lives in Massachusetts with his wife, four children, three dogs, and a cat. (source: www.tomseemanauthor.com/)

Tom Seeman will have an Author! series at the Toledo Library Thursday, May 23 from 7-8 p.m. at the Main Branch.  To learn more visit toledolibrary.org.