The Truth Staff
The Black Wall Street Community Development is collaborating with Toledo JuneteenthNY to hold a Speed Funding Event on June 13. In preparation for that event, which will connect area Black-owned business owners with potential funders, the BWSCD is hosting a series of sessions in April and May designed to provide information to area Black businesses owners that will help them grow their businesses and prepare them to meet with funders.
On May 3, about 20 business owners met at The Entrepreneurs Club on Fassett Street to hear Alissa Mauter, CEO and founder of groundup Creative Agency, discuss branding strategies.
“Branding is not just marketing and advertising,” said Mauter to open her talk. “Branding is how you are speaking to your audience … how people are perceiving what you are doing … how you are creating a space outside of your business.”
Mauter is an entrepreneur and business professional. She attended The Ohio State University earning a bachelor’s degree from the John Glenn College of Public Affairs. She works with business brands and individual brands through various services – consulting, social media management, photography, web design and graphic design.
“When we are talking about branding, goal setting is so important,” she advised her audience of entrepreneurs.
She further advised her listeners to: have an understanding of your brand … know why you need money when you are asking funders … develop a strategy to obtain funding … develop an ability to speak confidently about your brand … use additional funding to help you get to the next level.
“Growth takes structure, planning and funding,” Mauter cautioned. “But funding at the right time.”
Last week’s session was designed to last for an hour, including a question and answer period. Afterwards the attendees were able to network and exchange information.
The Black Wall Street Community Development, founded by area Black-owned media – The Juice radio station, The Sojourner’s Truth newspaper and Stalwart magazine – is holding a series of such sessions – “Scaling Your Biz;” “Financial SnapShot;” “Business Plans;” “Marketing and Advertising” in upcoming weeks.
There will also be a general networking meeting at The Entrepreneurs Club on June 5.