The Truth Staff
“Threads of Love,” a clothing giveaway for 12-to-18 year olds, organized by Open Arms Transformation Living, was held on Saturday, February 24 at the Frederick Douglas Community Association.
Gently used clothes and shoes, hygiene bags and free food were the offerings for students.
The clothing and other items were supplied by a host of community organizations: the Land Bank, Marco’s Pizza, Simply D’Vine Boutique, Sylvania Senior Center, Bags of Love, Advocating Opportunities, said Fonda Royster, founder and executive director of OATL.
The giveaway is part of OATL’s “Our Voices Matter” program and is part of the mission of the agency, which is to assist homeless, exploited teenagers, aged 12 to 20, particularly girls and especially those who are homeless because they have been victims of domestic violence, said Foyster.