Special to The Truth
The Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Department of
the Lucas County Juvenile Court proudly announces the selection of its
newest members to the Lucas County CASA Advisory Board.
Kwinlyn Tyler is a graduate of the University of Hawaii and a Project
Manager for the Lucas County Department of Planning & Development.
Tyler was the executive assistant to Commissioner Gerken from July 2020
to November 2022. Before that, she served for two years from 2018 to
2020 as the Community Health Educator for Planned Parenthood of Greater
Toledo. She was a Community Organizer for United Citizen Power from
2016-2018. In 2019 Tyler received the Black Lives Matter Award with
a theme titled, “25 under 45” celebrating African American community
members under the age of 45 “who are working to improve Toledo’s
communities.”Margie Clausing is the senior director of Federal and Local Relations

for Government Relations at The University of Toledo. Clausing has been
with The University of Toledo in various roles for over 15 years. In her
current role, she serves as the primary contact to the university for
local and federal government officials and advocates university
priorities to government officials and government entities on key
legislative issues related to higher education, health policy, and
In partnership with the Office of Research, Clausing is
responsible for advancing the university’s federal research portfolio
and aligning university research strength to federal funding
opportunities. In previous roles, Clausing managed major university-wide
projects such as the successful submissions of The University of
Toledo’s application for the Association of Public and Land Grant
Universities (APLU) Commission on Innovation, Competitiveness and
Economic Prosperity (CICEP) Designation and the Carnegie Foundation’s
Community Engagement Classification. Clausing earned a bachelor of arts
from Bowling Green State University and her master of business
administration from The University of Toledo.
The Lucas County CASA Program, one of the oldest and most respected of
the 939 CASA programs nationwide, is a non-profit, tax-exempt
organization operating in Lucas County since 1980. CASA’s mission is to
serve the best interests of abused and neglected children in the
juvenile court system. CASA provides quality volunteer advocacy for
children to ensure each child has a safe, permanent, nurturing home.
CASA volunteers are ordinary citizens who are trained to investigate and
monitor child abuse cases and be the voice for the child in the court
and child welfare systems. CASA volunteers are greatly needed. Please
consider becoming one. Please visit www.casakids.net for more
information. The Lucas County CASA/GAL program is a member in good
standing of the National and Ohio CASA/GAL Associations.