DNC on Black Women’s Equal Pay Day

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie Rollins, and DNC Women’s Caucus Chair Lottie Shackelford released the following statement to recognize Black Women’s Equal Pay Day:

“July 27, 2023 marks Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, recognizing the day that, after seven months of extra work, Black women have finally caught up to the average earnings of a white man in 2022. Despite the progress we’ve made in closing the gender pay gap, it is still unacceptable that it takes an average of seven extra months of work for Black women to make the same amount as their white male counterparts.

“As we recognize Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, it is important to remember that the racial and gender wage gap is only one of many forms of discrimination in the workplace. Black women still face higher rates of discrimination, are more likely to be passed over for career advancement opportunities, and face harsher penalties in the workplace. Our nation’s superpower is our diversity, and we must continue working to tear down the systemic barriers that make our society less inclusive.

“Since taking office, President Biden has issued comprehensive executive orders to advance pay equity and root out discrimination in the federal workforce – but that is just the beginning. Alongside the Biden-Harris administration, we’re committed to finally closing the pay gap and ensuring that Black women are welcomed and valued in the workplace.”