Special to The Truth
Child of God Ministries, in conjunction with Kingdom Life Outreach Center of Baltimore, MD, was birthed on November 12, 2022 during the ordination service of Elder Dorian Rayford as Pastor.
The ordination weekend began with a free concert on Friday night at the Peacock Cafe located at 2007 Monroe St. This concert featured local artists as well as artists from Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC.
On Saturday the ordination service, officiated by Overseer Ann Coles II, DMin, of Washington, D.C. was held at the Corinth Baptist Church located at 2283 Putnam St.
Child of God Ministries is an outreach ministry seeking to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the community. Our mission is to introduce people to God’s love through fellow man.
Be on the lookout for future events!#ChurchDifferent