Special to The Truth
Joaquin Cintron Vega, president and CEO of Lucas Metropolitan Housing (LMH), announced last week that Alisha M. Gant has been named
chair of the Lucas County Metropolitan Housing Board of Commissioners. Former Chair William Brennan will serve as vice-chair.
Gant was originally appointed to the Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners by former Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson in March 2016. She was reappointed, in 2018, by Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz. In 2017, while on the LMH Board, Gant was appointed to the Lucas Housing Services Corporation Board of Commissioners (an LMHA affiliate).
Gant has served as the LMH Board of Commissioners Co-Chair since November 2017. During her service on the Board, she has seen the construction of Collingwood Green III, the implementation of the online rent payment system, the purchase of North River Homes and Toledo Homes I & II, as well as the purchase of the new LMH Headquarters (the former United Way of Greater Toledo Building).
“I am beyond excited about the election of Commissioner Gant as the new Chair of the Lucas Metropolitan Housing Board of Commissioners. She provides continuity to the work we have been collaboratively performing. Her years of experience as an LMH Commissioner and a real estate expert is invaluable as we continue making progress to create and maintain sustainable, affordable housing opportunities, provide pathways to a better quality of life, and empower vibrant communities,” stated Joaquin Cintron Vegas, president and CEO.
Gant commented, “I want to express my sincere gratitude to LMH and the Board of Directors for my appointment as Board Chairman for the LMH Board of Commissioners. It’s been my pleasure to serve as Vice-Chair and Commissioner for the last several years. My devotion to provide safe, healthy, and affordable housing to our community is a priority. I look forward to continuing this important work.”
Established in 1933, Lucas Metropolitan Housing (LMH) continues to provide affordable housing to adults, seniors and children in its Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, Mixed-Income and Market Rate housing units. LMH also provides a myriad of programs and opportunities designed to improve the total quality of life for our residents, with the ultimate goal of achieving self-sufficiency. The programs and services are the results of successful collaborations with numerous community partners.
The current housing portfolio consists of 2,669 Public Housing units; 4,685 Housing Choice Vouchers; 322 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit units; 8 Market Rate units and 104 Homeownership Properties. There are approximately 17,500 people who reside in LMH properties. Lucas Metropolitan Housing partners with ALL people and organizations willing to exchange ideas and efforts to enhance Toledo, Lucas County and the world. For more information, please visit www.lucasmha.org.