Fanell Elane Williams is family pastor at Toledo First Assembly of God under the leadership of Pastors Darren and Heather Gambrell in Toledo.
Operating in a false identity for over 20 years because of pervasive sexual trauma; she did not know her true identity, let alone her calling in life. One night in November of 2017, Fanell felt totally lost and confused – not knowing who she was or why she was. Life as she knew it had been pulled out from under her like a rug. She was at rock bottom. Everything she ever knew and believed in was a lie. She had been deceived, hurt, and broken.
Fanell was searching for answers. She came to know Jesus for herself that night, he saved her, and she gave her life to him. The question presented to her by an encounter of the Holy Spirit was, “Will you surrender EVERYTHING as you know it and let me transform your life into BEAUTIFUL?” By God’s unconditional love, Jesus’ saving grace, and the power of the Holy Spirit – Fanell’s life is being beautifully transformed.
To find Fanell’s work, visit her website at fanellelane.com. Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube at FanellElane.