Sojourner’s Truth Staff
Giving peace a chance, the Toledo Buffalo Soldiers MC met at Savage Park on Thursday, August 5, to announce their purchase of over 4,000 t-shirts carrying a message of peace on the front of the shirts and the words “Youth Matter” on the back.

The shirts will be given out freely to youth around the city at various events that the Buffalo Soldiers sponsor and attend.
“Today we’re here for a positive appeal for what’s happening in our community,” said Fred LeFebvre, Buffalo Soldiers public information officer and the event host. “Peace and Youth Matter,” he announced as the theme for the day.
The soldiers are partnering with groups such as local Rotary Clubs to raise funds for their efforts and donating to groups such as the City Park League/Resource Group, Inc.
Montrice Terry, organizer of the City Park League was on hand to thank the Buffalo Soldiers and others for the donations. “These are not just t-shirts, they are clothes,” he said.
“Peace is the ability to be who you are,” said State Rep. Paula Hicks-Hudson, also a Buffalo Soldier herself. “Peace is possible only if we exhibit it and show it.”
Also present was Toledo Police Department Chief George Kral who presented a check to the Buffalo Soldiers from the City of Toledo for $8,500 to continue their work.
“When you see something positive in your neighborhood, talk it up,” said Chief Kral. “You have to spread the word yourself.”