Growing: Meet Andre Miller

By Mariah Hicks, Brothers United Coach

Special to The Truth

“I was a dad before I was a dad. I had to take responsibility for my siblings, nieces and nephews, and neighborhood kids. It taught me that you will never love anything else more than you love your kids.”

Andre Miller was 28 when he first became a father. Initially, him and his co-parent weren’t really getting along, but he had a good relationship with his kids. Most of his time was spent working and taking care of his family.

He heard about Brothers United from seeing flyers and billboards all over the city. An alumnus, Ricky Luster, also gave him some information on the program.

“I wanted to join to see if I could grow, and I feel like I did.”

Brothers United helped Miller’s communication skills grow, which enabled him to communicate better with his co-parent. He realized there are some things he needed to be more aware of, and took what he learned and put it to use in his everyday life.

“The program helped me be more understanding to her side. It helped me utilize time outs for conflict resolution.”

Miller expressed that his understanding of how to handle different situations improved. He learned how to check on his mental and physical health so that he could function better as a father.

Life after the program has been good for Mr. Miller. He thanks Brothers United for helping him to become a better man and a better father.

“It is a very helpful program because I was able to help other fathers.”

If you are interested in joining The Brothers United Program or have someone you want to refer : Call us at (419) 279-6297 or