Make America _________What?

June Boyd

By June Boyd
Guest Column 

MAGA is not an anthem that means what it says. There had constantly been rumors that what President Donald Trump really meant was asking for “Make America White Again”

The successful presidency of Barack Obama was just too much for a number of his followers. The people of color in the United States were outnumbering those folks and it has become bothersome to many. A direct hit at the immigration issue.  Most immigrants are people of color and it was making it worse.

It is almost difficult to explain what makes people hate because someone is of a different color, race or lifestyle. Growing up, my parents always taught me to keep the Golden Rule.

This relationship between President Trump and Elon Musk has become a lesson in racism. It is no secret that Elon was born into apartheid in South Africa in 1971. Then came Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress who rose up against apartheid and elected him President of South Africa in 1994.  That had to be devastating to Mr. Musk.

Go figure; following President Trump’s election, two or three days later, many African Americans received texts on their cell phones that stated “a van will be there to pick you up to go into slavery, get on the plantation, and pick cotton.”  The recipients were named which details someone knew what they were doing.

The civil rights leaders, led by Al Sharpton, Roland Martin, Martin Luther King, III, ACLU and many others leading the way and forcing an investigation as to whether those texts were initiated by Elon Musk. If so, he needs to be held accountable and pay each recipient who can prove receipt, $1 million dollars for damages.  The young people who received the same must have be horrified.

Crisis will always unite our people; we are in a major crisis now.  Every form of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) has been erased by the Trump administration and Elon Musk. There should be no turning back at this time.  The boycotts are coming, the Black Power I am sure those people fear will become a reality.

Trump had the audacity to sponsor a Black History celebration, recently, which was ultimately very embarrassing. How can one deliberately attempt to take away someone’s freedom and rights…. what was he really celebrating?

For our young, lift up your heads, and know we still have a constitution; We The People have no kings.  Never give up and do not be intimidated because the strength of your people will endure.