A Letter To Younger Black Men…From President Obama

Lafe Tolliver

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column

ANNN (All Negro News Network) “When it is news about Negroes, hear it first at ANNN!”

Lafe Tolliver, Reporter.


My fellow Black men in America. I am posting this letter to you since I am

hearing very disturbing polling news that a not insignificant number of you

under the age of 50, are considering voting for Donald Trump to return to the

White House!

I was in utter disbelief and shock to hear such news and when I sought out the source of this disquieting information, I determined at that time that I owed it

to Vice President Kamala Harris to assist her in her campaign of making sure Trump never returns as Commander-In-Chief.

My frustration at hearing such grim poll news only informed me that we, the

older generation, your forebears, have not done a successful job of transmitting to you the factual record that Trump is antagonistic to your well-

being and he makes no bones about casting people of color in the most deplorable light.

Rarely can we point to a time so fraught with political peril and physical danger than that of Donald Trump having the reins of power complete with

a bevy of sycophantic cult-followers who are lockstep with him in making sure

that you are hamstrung at every angle in upward mobility or being afforded

justice and fair play.

This letter should not be seen as a scare tactic but as a sober warning that Trump has shown and is continuing to show his true racist character when he takes so many opportunities to lambast people of color.

He has even taken up the cudgel along with JD Vance of advancing the

outrageous lie that Haitians who are on a temporary protected status in the

City of Springfield, Ohio are eating cats and dogs!

Trump would hoodwink you in believing that his slogan of Make America

Great Again includes you at the table as an equal and valuable member sharing

in the meal of freedom and economic security.

Not so, by a long shot. Trump’s first inclination is to depreciate you and

your family and to assail you for being vermin and sons and daughters of

Black b*tches!

He knows nothing of Black history and does not care to learn or understand

American history and Jim Crow and the slave trade and systemic racism that

still exist in America.

Under a second Trump presidency, your plight would remain “your” plight and to expect Trump to ameliorate it, is fantasy thinking.

Make America Great Again is a slogan for an orchestrated campaign to nullify your voting rights and to remind you of your place in society; and that being a second-class citizen.

His vocal disdain for Black women is pernicious, almost palatable regarding

Kamala Harris and especially so since she verbally “emasculated” him during their only debate.

Don’t be conned! Donald Trump is not your buddy! He has contempt for you

and will say and do those things to make you believe that he is your champion.

Ask the Central Park Five brothers. They will tell you of Trump’s desire to have them all executed and when the evidence finally exonerated them, Trump offered no apology for his hateful tirade apology, just silence.

Your fight is not just against Trump because he is only an avatar of the

base of MAGA voters who has deposited in him their bitterness, grievances

and feelings of powerlessness that Trump has channeled for them; and for

which they are so profoundly grateful that they are willing to forego any critical

examination of his policies or rhetoric just for their joy of “sticking it to the


In closing, don’t be duped by a charlatan who has no inner moral compass

but treats people only as rungs on a ladder by which to achieve his goals, not yours.

If you have not registered to vote, do so now before it is too late and if you are registered, make sure you know what documents you must have in order

to vote at your proper voting precinct.

Make America Great Again refers to a time that your parents and grandparents were of no importance and were expendable when so needed.

Honor your family tree ancestors and their struggles by voting against a

child-man who hungers for power only for himself.


Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com

Note: the above letter is an imaginary letter from Obama.