Special to The Truth
About 80 people gathered at Hannon’s Block Bar and Grill on Monroe at Erie in Toledo on October 3 to support State Representative Elgin Rogers’ Fall Harvest Event. Attendees enjoyed spicy chicken wings, hamburgers and vegetable sticks.
Formal speeches and individual conversations were held on the following topics: economic justice; people who live first class lives at the expense of others; reproductive rights of women; importance of November 2024 Election; fighting for our population that has been wronged in many ways; standing up for justice through community building; establishing an educational system that provides all children, including Black and low income students, with a quality education; voting the whole ticket in November; public safety planning from the bottom up and not the top down. In addition, those at the gathering showed lot of support for Kamala Harris for president.
There was a wide range of Democratic office holders, party operatives and supporters in attendance.