By Fletcher Word
The Truth Editor
Erika White, candidate for Ohio House of Representatives District 41, and supporters held a fundraising luau on Saturday, September 14, at the Yager House in Swan Creek Preserve Metropark.
Joining Democratic Party nominee White, who is opposed in the general election by Republican Josiah Leinbach of Maumee, were members of her family, assorted elected officials, the Democratic Women in Action, Students and Moms Demanding Action, among others.
“Family is the most important part,” said White as she introduced her husband James White, a Toledo fire fighter, daughter and son in law, Jasmine and Alexander Buffington. “That’s where it all comes from.”
Family instilled in her the motivation to run for public office, said White. “You are supposed to give back to the community.”
White’s luau was also attended by Roy Norman of the Ohio Farm Bureau who recounted how impressed he was, as a member of that organization’s screening committee about how committed and knowledgeable White was about farm policy and the need for urban residents to understand how important the agricultural industry was for the country as a whole.
“I was moved by Erika’s business sense and her willingness to understand agriculture,” said Norman as he presented her with a ribbon from the Farm Bureau acknowledging its endorsement.

Norman also sought to allay concerns about the agricultural sector’s management of water resources and noted that White understood that farmers are “stewards of safe water,” because their families need safe water as much as the rest of the community does.
Students Demand Action, youngsters who are concerned about gun safety, were also present along with a representative of Moms Demand Action.
Moms Demand Action is a grassroots movement of citizens fighting got public safety measures to protect people from gun violence. The group has a volunteer chapter in every state and works to encourage the passage of stronger gun laws and to help create a culture of responsible gun ownership.
The group, founded after the Sandy Hook school shooting tragedy, is part of Everytown for Gun Safety, the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country, and helped to create a similar student group also with chapters around the nation.
District 41 includes Holland, South Toledo and parts of Maumee.
White is president of Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 4319, vice president of the Greater Northwest Ohio AFL-CIO and a social justice and health advocate. “I believe that when we feel better, we do better. Strong communities are built on foundations of good education, prosperous jobs, and mental and physical health that’s accessible for everyone,” said White earlier this year when she announced her candidacy.
“I’ve fought for workers and our community members throughout my career. From union negotiations ensuring workers get fair pay and benefits, to promoting mental health and wellness, I’ve always shown up to make our community stronger, happier, and healthier. I want to take the energy and successes I’ve seen right here at home to Columbus. Our district doesn’t take anything for granted. We know when it’s time to lace up our boots and get to work, and I’m ready to do that for District 41.”