Pathway Inc. Introduces….. Sisters United for #MOTHERSOnly

Introducing, Pathway Inc. Sisters United motherhood program, derived from Brothers United Fatherhood Program, SU is a community and faith based infant and maternal health support program funded by The Ohio Department of Children and Youth Pathway Inc.

Sisters United received $305,000 from The community and faith based Infant and Maternal Health Support services to provide programming targeted towards women who are 16-24 years old, pregnant or have children up to 17 months, and live in the 10 designated zip codes that are most at risk for infant mortality and maternal mortality.

“Sisters United uses a community center approach to co creating solutions, creating authentic engagements and mutual respect.  This group was started after Brothers United fathers who consistently reported in data collection for over five years that their co-parents would greatly benefit from taking a similar course about motherhood and parenting as they have taken in fatherhood and parenting ” said Avis Files, director of Family and Supportive Services for Pathway Inc.

We plan on engaging in recruitment and outreach in the community at various libraries, grocery stores, gas stations, daycares and other places of business. We also plan on attending school related events to recruit teen mothers ages 16-18. After a mother is recruited to the program they will participate in a two week long virtual group session, where we will discuss parenting and co-parenting goals, self -sufficient goals and how to motherhood amongst womanhood.

Our program is partnered with the local community organizations where we share resources and referrals.

Sisters United wants to educate young mothers on the importance of co-parenting and cooperative parenting skills. This is especially important for mothers to learn how to navigate new experiences in being a new mother. We also want to teach the importance of communication and how differences in styles can affect a person’s actions in conflict. This can help them navigate conversations with others who may have outward conflict resolution styles. The group will also teach the importance of prenatal and postpartum clinical care in an effort to encourage preventable health care. Amongst other various lessons in group, the women leave group “understanding the importance of setting boundaries with co-parents and creating a plan for their child’s future. We provide case management services and participants receive a $75.00 Walmart gift card and swag materials such as journals and Sisters United T-shirts upon completion of the  program. We also provide “Wellness Wednesday” programming – a virtual space for Mothers to come once a month to learn about self-care and how to continue to care for their babies as they grow.

We are pleased to have dedicated staff to work with Mothers in our community who can find a safe place to join a Sisterhood. Our motto is: We are Mothers United as Sisters. #SistersUnited. To learn more about the program please text or call  Coach Hollingsworth at (419) 410-1023.


Avis Denise Files, Director of Family and Supportive Services, Pathway Inc. Brothers and Sisters United, 505 Hamilton Street; (419) 279-0798