By Dawn Scotland
The Truth Reporter
Assets Toledo held a Q&A session with speaker LaVera Scott, director of Lucas County Board of Elections and Anita Madison, coordinator of the Ohio Unity Coalition on Friday, August 30. The event entitled “Power of the Ballot” informed attendees about voter registration, changes to voting identification requirements as well as job opportunities for the upcoming election.
“Democracy is being challenged. There is a complete attack on Democracy across the United States,” stated Scott.
Scott highlighted the changes to voting requirements in Ohio and the importance of electing officials that protect the interests of all voters. “Our vote becomes our voice, we need to vote for people who support what we stand for. Vote for people who will stand up and say [this] is wrong.”
“Voting is definitely power,” she continued, “and the power that we hold within our hands I think a lot of us don’t recognize how much that is.”
“The people who are creating these standards and laws are people that we elect,” she added.
Important Information about voting this election:
Close of Registration – Monday, October 7, 2024
(To vote in the General Election you must be registered to vote by this date at 9:00 p.m.)
Absentee voting begins – Tuesday, October 8th, 2024
(At the Early Vote Center – 3737 W. Sylvania Ave., Toledo)

IN-PERSON ABSENTEE VOTING (EARLY VOTE CENTER) (begins Tuesday, October 8″, 2024 and ends Sunday, November 3, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.) – you must present ONE of the following:
- Ohio driver’s license with current or former address
- Ohio ID with current or former address
- Interim ID from BMV (until driver’s license or ID arrives in the mail)
- Military ID
- S. passport or passport card
NOTE: A suspended driver’s license that is not expired may still be used as a photo ID for voting. If a photo ID is not presented, the voter may vote provisional.
ELECTION DAY VOTING (Tuesday, November 5, 2024) – you must present ONE of the following:
- Ohio driver’s license with current or former address
- Ohio ID with current or former address
- Interim ID from BMV (until driver’s license or ID arrives in the mail)
- Military ID
- S. passport or passport card
ABSENTEE BY MAIL VOTING – an absentee ballot application must be completed and submitted to the Board of Elections office with ONE of the following:
- Ohio driver’s license number
- Ohio ID number
- Last four of your Social Security number
- Copy of front and back of your Ohio driver’s license
- Copy of Ohio state ID card
- Copy of the ID page of a passport that includes voter’s name, photo and expiration date
An absentee ballot application must be received by the close of business on the seventh day before Election Day (Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 – office open until 8:30 p.m.)
TO REGISTER TO VOTE, you must have your Ohio driver’s license or Ohio ID number, or the last four of your Social Security Number. You can verify your registration status, register to vote, or update your registration online at www.lucascountyohiovotes.gov.
AN OHIO ID IS OFFERED FOR FREE AT THE BMV – Ohio ID cards can be used for voter identification purposes (not issued for driving privileges).
The following are NO LONGER accepted as an ID for voting – utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document with current address.
CURE PERIOD for PROVISIONAL BALLOTS – provisional voters have until the fourth day (Saturday, November 9th, 2024) after Election Day to ‘cure’ their ballot (i.e., provide a photo ID, sign a religious objection affidavit, or provide other information needed to make the ballot valid.
A DROP BOX IS AVAILABLE FOR BALLOTS at the Lucas County Board of Elections office at
3737 W. Sylvania Avenue. The drop box is located at the back of the parking lot and can be approached by a vehicle.
To learn more or view job opportunities for the upcoming election visit www.lucascountyohiovotes.gov
To see if you are registered to vote this upcoming election visit voterlookup.ohiosos.gov
The Ohio Unity coalition is hiring canvassers for the election season to learn more email info@ohiounity.org or visit ohiounity.org.