Some Thoughts From Ryan!

Ryan Rollison

I walked into the middle of a conversation the other day and was asked what my advice would be to someone trying to lose weight or get in shape.

First, you must understand the difference between losing body fat and weight. Anyone can lose weight, it’s the body fat you’re after. And that’s an important thing to understand. Also, there is not a quick fix but it must be a lifestyle change.

People lose weight and muscle tissue along with it. That is not what you want to do. I have competed in bodybuilding for over 20 years, transformed hundreds of physiques and trained everyone from housewives to business professionals, doctors, competitive bodybuilders, the military, and athletes.

I have done this for a long time, almost 40 years to be exact. I’ve seen a ton of changes in the industry, fad diets and workouts, trainers come and I’ve seen them go. The basics are what is best, compound movements, learning your body and how to do the exercises, stop listening to uninformed people because they know a little bit.

Everyone is different and your nutrition should be geared towards your body. Don’t get me wrong: simple common sense things like don’t eat sweets, fast foods, sugars, exercise etc. are great starting points.  Also, you don’t have to be so sore that you can’t move the next day.

I’ve had clients get in great shape for weddings, trips, class reunions, or other events only to lose it all in a matter of months after the event. I have had countless people drop over 100 pounds, some gain it back and some stay the course. Consistency is the key!

Everyone wants that magic supplement to make them lose weight or gain muscle mass. Most people take stuff and they do not even understand what it does for them. Well, guess what? They are called supplements for a reason! They supplement what you should be doing by having sound nutrition. They are not the staple of your nutrition.  It’s work and it’s hard at times, but how bad do you want it?

I have my clients for 90 minutes out of 112 waking hours a week The rest is up to you. What are you doing to keep it moving, to keep results coming and to reach your goals? Your efforts with me or anyone else are only as good as you are willing to be pushed and push yourself! I can’t force nor will I beg someone to do the work.

I am NOT known for my hard Knox motivation! I will not stand and holler at you and force you to do more. A lot of injuries happen from that and (knock on wood) in all my years I have never had an injury occur on my watch! Form before failure. I can push you a little further but I can’t make you dig deep if you don’t want to! Now outside of your 90 minutes a week is all on you.

So I guess I say all that to say, “Consistency! Consistency, dedication, and food preparation are the keys!” You can be in a whole new body in six to 12 weeks with those three things.   It’s my advice that you follow these three points. Also, be consistent and honest with yourself. Are you giving it your all or are you slacking and expecting results that you are not working for?

But what do I know? I have only been doing this for 40 years. Good luck.



Ryan Rollison

Dream Bodies
