By Fletcher Word
The Truth Editor
During a press conference on Friday, June 28, Suzette Cowell, CEO of the Toledo Urban Federal Credit Union, and Reggie Williams, executive director of the Frederick Douglass Community Association, announced that the two organizations will be collaborating for a capital fundraising campaign to assist the FDCA with its community-based programming.
“This is a marvelous opportunity to do this capital fundraising campaign,” said Williams. “First and foremost, it’s about creating opportunities for our youth to still have a safe place to thrive and grow. We are especially excited for this fundraising campaign that Suzette Cowell and the Toledo Urban Federal Credit Union have decided to hold on behalf of the Doug.
“This will enable us to have a greater reach in our community and to meet the needs of the whole family,” he added expressing his appreciation for Cowell and her decision to initiate the drive.
“I’m so excited,” said Cowell. “I was here the other day and a young man was here and wanted to go to the gym – that’s when I found out [what happens] if we all come together. It’s so important for youth to be able to come to this place and the programs that will help them keep busy throughout the summer and after school as well.”
While the FDCA has been able to raise funds in recent years for capital improvements, this latest effort, organized and led by the TUFCU, will go to programs and operational needs, said Laticia Holmes, the FDCA treasurer.
The plan for the campaign is to encourage community members to donate $20 per week for 52 weeks – the goal is to raise a total of $500,000 within that year’s time. Williams noted that church’s and other nonprofit as well as profit companies to encourage their members to participate.
“I challenge the citizens of Toledo to make a difference,” said Toledo City Councilwoman Cerssandra McPherson. McPherson emphasized that the good the FDCA does is “sustainable” with help from community. She also praised the partnership between the TUFCU and FDCA as a model for accomplishing things in the community.
This is not the first time the FDCA has reached out to the community to assist in a capital fundraising drive. Back in 1922, said Albert Earl, FDCA board chair, the Doug needed to move into a new building and held a drive to raise $200,000. That drive proved to be successful, as he hopes this one will be also.
Donations can be made at either branch of the TUFCU – Dorr or Monroe street – at FDCA itself. A cash App will be set up and more information can be found at www.thedoug419.org.