By Tricia Hall
The Truth Reporter
Congregation members, guests, and friends gathered to celebrate the 21st pastoral anniversary of Pastor Rev. Robert Bass and First Lady Rev. Anita Bass. The celebration was held on Sunday, May 5, 2024, the theme was, “My Living Is Not In Vain,” from I Corinthians 15:58.
Church deacons opened the service with devotion and scripture reading. Rev. Barbie Harrison served as the worship leader and led the responsive reading, hymn and introduced the honorees during the processional.
“Hope you didn’t come here to be a spectator,” said Rev. Harrison. “Come in here and worship our God. God has been good.”
The service continued with a welcome delivered by Willie Ward, musical selection by Arthur Johnson, and solo by Rev. Jenai Hicklin of New Leaf Group Ministries.
“Welcome to the family of United Missionary Baptist Church,” said Ward. “Today is the pastoral anniversary, celebrating 21 years of delivering the word and transforming lives. Pastor Bass and First Lady Bass, I want to say thank you.”

Special remarks were shared by Deacon John Hawkins, the chairman of the church board of deacons; Deaconess Mary Hawkins, president of Missionary Society and Trustee Julia Holt, the chairman of Board of Trustees.
“Pastor Bass has stood in truth,” said Deacon Hawkins. “I know nothing about him that is negative. Pastor, continue to preach the word.”
“I want to tell Pastor Bass that I love him and I want to encourage him,” stated Deaconess Hawkins. “We can always depend on Pastor to preach the word. I also want to say a few words about First Lady Bass, the pastor’s wife. Sometimes women in general, specifically the pastor’s wives don’t receive their deserved recognition.”
Pastor Robert Bass introduced the speaker, Rev. Draper, DMin, of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church of Marion, Ohio. Draper has earned several degrees, including Wilberforce University and University of Dayton.
The United Missionary Baptist Church is a body of baptized believers in the Lord Jesus Christ whose mission is to witness to the unsaved, build up our community, and empower and equip our members to live holy as commanded in I Peter 1:15. This ministry seeks to reach the local Toledo, Ohio community and the world through the preaching and teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. United Baptist Church has served the community for decades. Rev. Paul Broaddus, Rev. James Green and Rev. Rudolph McKissick, Jr., were the first three church pastors.
“I am grateful for your presence here today,” began Pastor Bass. “I view this gathering as a celebration and partnership, not just for Rev. Anita Bass and I or even the Bass family, but about United Missionary Baptist Church. I say this because, this wouldn’t take place without each of you.”