By Dawn Scotland
The Truth Reporter
Pathway for Successful Leadership, Inc. is the new lead Hub partner at Reynolds Elementary school. The nonprofit has spearheaded an adopt-a-hallway program at Reynolds Elementary which will provide greater support and visibility to address the varying needs of the Toledo Public School.
On Tuesday, March 26, Principal Tiffany Dent, Vice Principal Keith Jordan, Executive Director of Toledo Public Schools Rogers Area Therea Quinn and Tyra Smith, president and CEO of Pathways for Successful Leadership, met with the community partners that each adopted a hallway at Reynolds.
The community partners are:
- The University of Toledo
- Richards Health Systems
- Toledo Buffalo Soldiers
- Zion Church
- Compassion Church
- After School All Stars
- Unison Mental Health
The goal is that each partner adopts the needs of the hall. This can range from much needed teacher supplies to winter gloves and hats and even tutoring, elaborated Smith.
P4SL currently partners with several schools in the district.
The vision of Pathway 4 Successful Leadership (P4SL) is “to provide a positive outlook and successful future to troubled, disruptive youth. Those youth that have a lack of confidence, self-esteem, trust and respect, which prevents learning in the classroom, the home, and society as a whole, will become productive members of their environment. Skills will be developed to not only produce leaders but Successful Leaders.” (source p4sl.org)
“We were asked to come in as hub lead to provide a bridge from the community to Reynolds school which is in the heart of the Rogers district,” stated Smith.
“Usually when we ask the community to partner we’re asking them to collaborate on events and they will give monetary donations or come and work the events… [Now] I want them to be seen and visible throughout the school and the community by them adopting hall,” she added.
Partners will decorate their hall, set up their apparel/ memorabilia and serve as additional support for the classrooms in the adopted hallway.
“So that when they are at an event and participating and/or sponsoring they can put a face to the name.” she continued. Each partner is located within the neighborhood where the children can have the opportunity to see them throughout the community.
Community partners meet once a month with a committee of teachers, administrators and parents where needs for the children will be expressed.
“Now each student, teacher, parent and family can rest well knowing that Reynolds has extra hands, eyes, and ears to help the needs and the goals of the school,” Smith said.
“I think it’s necessary because we always speak about it and it’s time now to have the actual community come in and be about. If you want to be a partner. [Here’s] an opportunity to do so.”
To become a partner at Reynolds contact Tyra Smith at tsmithp4sl@gmail.com or 419-917-2537 or contact Principal Tiffany Dent at Reynolds Elementary 419-671-1500.
Toledo Public Schools currently has six hubs schools.
Schools as Community Hubs serve as both a place and a set of partnerships to meet the identified needs of a school and the surrounding community.
Based on the national community schools strategy, Toledo Public Schools has transformed six schools into Hubs. In these Hub schools, those in the community will find services and resources that promote the academic success of students, nurture family and community connectedness, and foster health and wellness within the community.” (source: TPS.org)
The current hubs schools are Reynolds Elementary School, Jones Leadership Academy, Pickett Academy, Riverside Elementary, Rogers High School and Scott High School.
To learn more about these hubs visit www.tps.org/community/community_hubs