Special to The Truth
The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. – (NANBPWC, INC.) Toledo Adult and Youth Clubs were presented with a workshop entitled, “Safe Encounters” by the Toledo Buffalo Soldiers. Students participating in the Cotillion Scholarship Program on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at Keyser Elementary School.
Wilma Brown – Cotillion Scholarships/Education chair; Karen Jarrett and Denise Caldwell (co-chairs); Beverly Tucker and Debra Carlisle (Talent chairs) continue to bring quality workshops for the youth each week to encourage them to be courteous, responsible and set goals, while reiterating the fact that respect is the biggest part of “Safe Encounters.”
Karen Jarrett served as the event mistress of ceremony. Toledo Adult Club President Tyra Smith welcomed everyone and emphasized how important this program is to youth and adults. Smith has also been affiliated with the Buffalo Soldiers for over eight years.
NANBPWC First Vice President and Program Chair Joy Goodner shared “What to Do When Stopped by the Police” because it could happen to you. Answering simple questions like: What is your name? Where do you live? You can have a very positive outcome if you reply in a positive way. By not answering simple questions can escalate into more serious situations.
Denise Cardwell presented the “Do’s and Don’ts” when interacting with police officers.
North Central District Governor Denise Black-Poon shared the purpose of “Safe Encounters.” “This program is designed to promote safe interactions between police and citizens, particularly youth and young adults. It is essential that we help young people learn how to respond when approached by law enforcement officers. This program is designed to promote safe interactions between police and citizens, particularly youth and young adults. The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club enforces programs and activities like these. The anticipated outcome is the building or re-establishment of wholesome relationships between young people, especially minorities, and law enforcement personnel to the end that lives are saved.”
Buffalo Soldiers Earl D. Mack Jr. and Fred LeFebvre led the presentation with a powerful video followed by interactive participation with the Cotillion High School students and adult guests.
Student participants of the Cotillion, Debutantes, Deb’s N Waiting, Escorts and Youth Club members were present to hear very important facts about ways to respond if stopped by the police. Several adult club members also attended the workshop.
Mack, himself a former law enforcement officer, and other members shared life stories, scenarios and insight to help provide a better understanding of what could happen in different situations. They stressed that proper conduct is important for the person who may be a suspect, as well as for those who are traveling with that person. College campuses have rules that are different from Toledo Polie Department and other jurisdictions. Everyone must know the laws and rights in every city, campus, school, etc.
Tyra Smith and the members presented the Buffalo Soldiers certificates and a special gift from the Toledo Club for their special commitments and service to the community.
The Toledo Club of NANBPWC, Inc. thanked everyone for their support of the organization’s national programs and workshops that are provided to keep the Toledo Community aware of very important issues.