By Dawn Scotland
The Truth Reporter
Lucas County Land Bank hosted a Vendor Engagement Meeting for local contractors and vendors Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at West Toledo Branch Library. The presentation informed local businesses in the community about how to qualify their business for work through the Land Bank.
The mission of the Lucas County Land Bank is “to strengthen neighborhoods and preserve property values by strategically returning vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent properties to productive use.” Last year, the Land Bank spent millions of dollars on hundreds of property renovations and neighborhood improvement projects.
David Mann, president & CEO of the Lucas County Land Bank, remarked “We’re in our 14th year doing that kind of work, we spend a lot of money doing that and we need help from local contractors to get that work done.”
Whether a vendor is new or has received work in the past, the meeting was an opportunity to stay up to speed. All businesses were encouraged to attend, especially disadvantaged businesses, those with MBE & WBE certifications, and those whose employees are union affiliated.

The Survey conducted by the Land Bank in 2021 showed that there is a lot of work to do in Toledo. There are over 5000 vacant lots in the city. “Our goal is to bring back those vacant and abandoned properties back to some kind of state in which it’s much better for the neighborhood… it’s not just demolition… we are just as interested in fixing up properties, saving buildings and helping to create green spaces and neighborhood places,” stated Mann.
Shantae Brownlee, senior vice president of operations and chief financial officer of the Lucas County Land Bank highlighted the existing work of the Land Bank including their Home Preservation Initiative that helps homeowners maintain and repair their homes. This project includes a free home visit, contractor guidance, and access to low-interest loans. The RISE (Rebuild, Invest Stabilize and Engage) that partners with neighborhood organizations on place-making initiatives, with the goal of creating neighborhood spaces where residents feel proud and safe. The Side Lot Program that gives property owners living next to a vacant lot that share a common edge of that lot with their property the opportunity to be able to buy the lot for $150.
The Lucas County Land Banks Bids & Request page has additional information about current projects available. Contractors interested in partnering with the Land Bank should fill out the form online (visit: lucascountylandbank.org/contractors).
To get work through the Land Bank:
✓ Contractors must be qualified
✓ Special emphasis on local, MBE/WBE, and union contractors
✓ Get requests for informal quotes or formal bids/proposal
✓ Get a contract
✓ Do a good job!
The Basic Expectations of the Land Bank is that vendors should:
✓ Understand Your Contract
✓Act Professionally
✓ Pull Permits
✓ Keep Site Clean
Get paid within 15 days of completion:
✓Do a good job!
✓ Submit an invoice and any required documentation.
✓ A review of submitted documents will be done.
✓ On-site inspections may occur.
✓ Contractor will be notified if work order specifications have not been met or if permits have yet to be finalized.
✓ Payment may be held until issues are resolved.
✓ Get Paid! $$$
To learn more about partnering with the Land Bank as a contractor visit their office at Office One Government Center Suite 580 Toledo, Ohio 43604 call (419) 213-4293 . Or visit the Land Bank online at lucascountylandbank.org/contractors; Facebook /lucascountylandbank; Instagram /thelandbank; TikTok /lucascountylandbank