The Hillards’ Walls and Walls of Fame

The Truth Staff

George Hillard, and his wife Gloria, have lived on Torrington Street for almost 50 years, enough time that a park at the end is named in their honor and eventually the street itself will probably names for him.

However, George isn’t waiting to seize the opportunity to create memorials to those in the couple’s life who have been so important to them.

Hillard, a retired chief operator at Sun Refinery has worked on Democratic political campaigns for decades, for just about every Democratic elected official during that time. And during that time, he has set up memorial to those officials, to family members, to sports heroes in his home. In his garage to be precise.

Hillard has created walls and walls … and walls of fame on his garage walls. Local elected officials have a prominent place. And so has President Obama – George was closely connected with presidential campaigns here and even attended an inaugural.

Family, though, is hugely important and with so many phots from over the years, siblings, offspring, older generations, younger and young generations are also represented.

And what would such a memorial be without the presence of The Greatest – the G.O.A.T. Muhammad Ali through the years, of course!

It’s not just the walls though. In recent years, having un out of most of the garage walls’ room, George has started on the ceiling. Anyone could spend hours just going from photo to photo and listening to the history behind so many of them.

The walls of fame are a tribute not only to those on the walls but also to George and Gloria as well.