Lourdes University offers Summer Camps

Athletics, Nursing and Vocal Music Camps

Lourdes University is pleased to announce a variety of fun and educational Summer Camps at its campus, 6832 Convent Blvd. in Sylvania.

Athletic Summer Camps

Many Gray Wolf Athletic Coaches are offering summer camps within their sports. Each year, Lourdes has 25 teams competing in 15 sports including baseball, basketball, bowling, cheer, cross country, dance, esports, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, tennis, track, volleyball and wrestling. For a list of summer camps and costs, visit https://lourdesathletics.com/sports/2019/3/8/camp-offerings.aspx or contact Ryan Wronkowicz, Sports Information Director, at rwronkowicz@lourdes.edu.

FREE Summer Nurse Camps

The Lourdes University College of Nursing offers the following Nurse Camps for High School students. The camps are offered on select dates from 9am to 2pm and include lunch and a campus tour. There is no cost for participants. For more information or to register for a nurse camp, visit www.lourdes.edu/summer-nurse-camps or contact Jennifer Daley at jdaley@lourdes.edu or 419-824-3882.

*   Friday, June 16 – open to Bedford High School students only
*   Friday, June 23 – open to Bedford High School students only
*   Wednesday, July 12 – open to ALL high school students
*   Tuesday, July 18 – open to ALL high school students

Summer Vocal Music Camp
Lourdes University Music is offering a Summer Vocal Music Camp from Monday, July 10 through Thursday, July 13 from 9 to 11:30am daily. Students can perform fun music with Betsy Bellavia, Lourdes University Director of Vocal Music and be part of a concert and lunch on the last day. Cost is $50 per person. Lunch is $10 per guest. For more information and for a link to register, visit www.lourdes.edu/events/summer-vocal-music-camp