The Truth Staff
On Wednesday, Aletha Easterly, flanked by staff, students and funders, broke ground on Quality Time 3, next to her current Dorr Street locations. QT3 will serve school aged pre-teens in before- and after-school programs along with during summer sessions.
Easterly opened Quality Time Day Care in 1999 to serve pre-school children – ages three and a half years and up. Nine years later she opened Quality Time 2 for kids in the early Head Start age range.
The funding for the new construction was provided by three local institutions – Toledo Urban Federal Credit Union, Toledo Lucas County Port Authority and Signature Bank.

“I think I’m more excited than Aletha,” said Suzette Cowell, CEO of TUFCU. “This is the first time Toledo Urban has been a part of a project like this; this is our pilot project.” Cowell was explaining the fact that the loan TUFCU extended was the first time the institution has provided construction funds.
“We’re changing our community and so proud that Miss Aletha allowed us to be part of this,” she added.
Craig Teamer, manager of Finance and Special Projects, stated: “There is a growing need for child care and day care for low-income and underserved families.” He told the those present that the funds provided by the Port Authority were the first time its Revolving Loan Fund had been utilized.
“This is a double blessing that will provide day care and jobs,” Teamer said. Four staff members will be added to the Quality Time employee ranks when the new facility is up and running in the spring.