By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column
A topic that has gained and is gaining more momentum because of the recent visit of Hungarian right-wing leader, Victor Orban, to the CPAC conference recently held in Texas, is that of “Christian Nationalism.”
As covered by the mass media, the Hungarian ruler is against “race-mixing” and believes that such mingling with “others” will be and can be the downfall of European culture.
The delight of Fox News, Tucker Carlson, is swooningly enthralled with the comments of Orban that he even visited Hungary to get a close up and personal interview with the new darling of the far political right.
It is no hidden secret that repeated comments made by Tucker Carlson tip toe on the verge of him saying outright, “America is a Christian nationalistic country, and I am all for it!” The Hungarian leader received a standing ovation at the right-wing GOP conference, which was attended by Herr Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Reince Priebus, and a host of others who find comfort and solace in the racial diatribes of Orban.
There has been a slew of books about the attempts to define Christian nationalism and what it means, culturally and economically and politically for Americans and, using my best
English, “it ain’t good.”
Christian nationalism is an oxymoron (two words jammed together that are opposites if defined alone) in the sense that if the phrase is severed into Christian and nationalism, the definition of Christian and nationalism are an anathema when used together.
Permit me to state that the word Christian is directly derived from the word Christ and the word Christ means, the anointed one and that anointing directly refers to Jesus, the Son of God.
When you examine biblically what Christ stood for and his teachings and lifestyle, you will quickly discern that Christ was not a nationalist in any sense of the word because he repeatedly told his anxious disciples that he did not come to restore or establish an earthly kingdom by which Israel would be preeminent in political or economic power.
The Christ spoke of his kingdom not being of this world and he did not attempt to lead any resurrection to have Israel restored to any former glory.
The use of the word “nationalism” bespeaks of worldly structures and policies that favor certain people over “other” people and speaks of a militant style of ruling that purportedly acknowledges Christ as its titular head.
False! Christian nationalism, the flavor espoused in these United States, narrowly views their goals and agenda via a potent brew of racial subjugation, military might and a return to an era and lifestyle that the idiom, MAGA is built upon.
Christian nationalism does not submit its allegiance to the tenets of the gospel of Christ but simply gives obligatory lip service to the reign and rule of Jesus, who is The Christ.
Try as you might, you will not see the adherents of Christian nationalism portraying images of humility, grace, compassion, and economic parity with others not of their like or persuasion.
Christian nationalism is militant as opposed to turning the other cheek. Christian nationalism is desirous to use the apparatus of the state to enforce its dictates on the rest of the population under the guise that such obedience is really homage to Christ.
You will never find in the scriptures any plan of Jesus the Christ to form a religious monarchy in Jerusalem and with him as its leader.
However, the devotees of Christian nationalism do not embrace a societal view that all are equal in the eyes of God and that each person is precious and is entitled to rights and privileges that show that God the Father is the author and creator of all.
Christian nationalism is a doctrine of devils that promotes antagonisms between competing economic groups in America for the same resources as opposed to sharing those same resources.
Christian nationalism wants to (and so does) wrap its ideology in the American Flag to give the impression that is God ordained and blessed and as such, whatever it endorses is sound and ideologically in line with the scriptures.
There is no need for any professing Christian to champion at all costs the acts of the US government in all that it does nor should any Christian Nationalist wrongly exegete the scriptures for their own personal gain; and to gain influence over those who are being duped as to what it really stands for.
Christian nationalism may initially pass the first whiff test of being patriotic and a banner under which all may parade in unison and believe that this is what Jesus the Christ would approve of, but that is a delusion.
Christian nationalism as presently constituted in these United States resembles more of that which Victor Orban has described about his plans for Hungary.
Christianity and nationalism should never be paired together as sound theology or doctrine. Its promulgation has no place in any church in America that professes allegiance to the scriptures of the Bible.
The Bible clearly tells its adherents that we are simply sojourners passing through on our way to Beulah Land, but Christian nationalism tells us, “Stop and take control and rule while you are passing through.”
He who has ears, let him ear what the Spirit is saying about Christian nationalism.
Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com