Sojourner’s Truth Staff
Mayoral candidate Carty Finkbeiner held a press conference on Thursday, September 2, to announce his support for a new YMCA facility. He said that with the American Rescue Pact funds coming the City’s way – in excess of $190 million, some of it should be earmarked for a new Wayman Palmer Y building.
“The roof leaks; there are infrastructure issues … we don’t deserve anything in this neighborhood but born again, fresh new building. The city needs to take some of that money for a new building. We need investment in the YMCA. Let’s leave no one out.”
Citing the weekend’s upcoming Solheim Cup event and what the city has done for it, Finkbeiner said: “How much money was put into the golf tournament compared to how much was put into facilities like this one?”

Sharing the podium with Finkbeiner were City Council candidates George Sarantou and Harvey Savage who both agreed with the mayoral candidate about the need for a new facility
“We cannot leave our grandchildren a building like that one falling down,” said Savage. “We did that with the county jail. We need to be sure the next generation is headed in the right direction.”
Bishop Brehon Hall attended the Wednesday press conference to add his voice to the idea for a new facility. “Our community needs not just a rehaul but a re-do,” said Hall. “This community needs something that children can come to. Carty Finkbeiner has fought for years for justice and for neighborhood facilities.”
Tina Butts, founder and director of The Movement, also spoke and advocated for a new Y: “Our kids should come and see a place they can be proud of; our babies are all around here. It’s time for us to demand changes and fight for our kids when they don’t have a voice for themselves.”