Special to The Truth
Mom’s House preschoolers and former Mom’s House preschool graduates hosted their very own, custom, decorated Lemonade Stands on Thursday, August 12 from 4 to 6 p.m. on Franklin Avenue in front of the house. To ensure safety and ease of access at the event, Franklin Avenue was closed.
Event sponsors were on-hand to support the children at the stand they decorated and sponsored.

Christina Rodriguez, Mom’s House executive director, expressed the hope that the community would take a few minutes to “stop by, boost the children’s confidence and get a cold glass of lemonade,” she said as the stands opened for business.
The Mom’s House Early Childhood Education Program participants (Moms and kids), volunteers and sponsors, included Knight Insurance Group, The Mannik Smith Group, Lucas County Sheriff’s Department, Toledo Fire and Rescue Department, Fowl and Fodder, UPS and Waterford Bank, N.A.
All profits from Lemons to Lemonade will go toward early childhood education programs.
Mom’s House is helping young families break the cycle of poverty through education and teaching young mothers to become responsible parents and educating the children to ensure they are fully prepared for Kindergarten through intensive programming. Mom’s House is a nonprofit organization located in Toledo, Ohio since 1993. For more information on Mom’s House, call 419-241-5554 or visit www.momshousetoledo.org.