Find Your Next Great Read with the Library!

Not sure what to read next? The Library can help!

Try a Book Bundle – We’ll put together a bag of books, movies, or DVDs based on your age and preferred subject matter (mystery, romance, science fiction, and more – or let us surprise you!)

Get personalized recommendations – Tell us titles you have enjoyed in the past, and we’ll make recommendations just for you!

Read our blog – Library staff love to read and then write about their favorite finds. Check out their blogs about cooking, decorating, home repairs, parenting, and so much more.

Subscribe to monthly book and movie lists – Get a list of our newest acquisitions sent right to your email so you can request materials while they are hot!

Join a book group – Join a book group to read more while also enjoying new friends and conversation. With 12 different book groups that meet via Zoom once a month, there is a genre and meeting time for all!

Resolve to Read – It’s not too late to sign up for Winter Read which runs through Feb. 28. Collect a prize for reading and logging at least two books. Every additional book you read and log also increases your chances of winning a grand prize.

Call 419.259.5200 or any Library location or visit to get started!