President Wanda Terrell Galloway, Denise Black-Poon, Clara Brank, Barbara Tucker.
Top Row (L-R):
Delise Simmons, Shontrell Flanagan, Jackie Jackson, Marsha Quinn, Dianne Johnson, Bulista Kimbrough, Sandra Strong, Shereese Norwood,
Absent: Alisha Gant, Madelyn Standard, Mary McKinley Reed,
Pamela Effinger, Clara Petty, Denise Caldwell, Elizabeth Flournoy, Delores Bates, Delores Anderson,
The Truth Staff
The Toledo Chapter of Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc and Top Teens of America opened Black History Month with the organization’s Annual Prayer Breakfast on February 1 at The Premier Banquet Hall.
The theme for this year’s event was “Continuing with Service in Action, Leading with Prayer.”
This year’s Prayer Breakfast was organized by Lady Denise Black-Poon, chair and Ladies Wanda Terrell-Galloway and Clara Petty, co-chairs.
The program opened with a welcome from Terrell-Galloway, the TLOD Toledo Chapter president and from Teen Latrice Talmer, Top Teen of America, president.
Lady Delise Simmons introduced the special guest, La’Shardae Scott, PhD. Scott is the CEO/president of SCOTT, which stands for: Scott Center for Observation Treatment & Transition, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting sickle cell awareness, education and research. “We specialize in facilitating the transition from pediatric to adult treatment.”
Deborah Gardner sang the opening number accompanied by pianist Mike Odoms and prayers of thanks were led by Lady Clara Brank, chaplain.
After breakfast was served, Lady McKinley Reed introduced the speaker, Michelle Jeffries Rhodes, DMin.
Rhodes, an ordained elder, is a graduate of Scott High School, holds an associate’s degree in Executive Secretarial Science, a bachelor’s in E-Business, a master’s in management and a doctorate in Biblical Exposition.
Rhodes founded Crazy for Christ Ministries, a non-profit dedicated to education and support in 2007. An accomplished author, she has published four books: JUST Pray; Shifted! Murder, Trauma, God’s Redemptive Power – A True Story of Love and Forgiveness and Shifted! A Journal.
She currently hosts an international radio show – Spirit ti Spirit – on WNZN 89.1 FM (Lorain, Ohio), where she teaches personal development based on biblical principles. Rhodes spoke on the issue of “Serving Youth and Adults.”
After the speaker, the ladies held a blessing of Prayer Cards and Recognition before closing remarks by President Lady Terrell Galloway.