By Dawn Scotland
The Truth Reporter
The Toledo Club of The National Association of Negro Business Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. presented 57th Annual Debutante Cotillion Tea at The Indiana Avenue Missionary Baptist Church Fellowship Hall on Sunday December 15.
After a hiatus due the COVID pandemic, the Cotillion is back in full swing – celebrating its resurgence last year in 2024. The event is continuing to grow attracting the best of the area’s youth.
The informational tea introduced the Debutantes, Debs in Waiting and their parents on what to expect through the process including an overview of Cotillion, the waltz rehearsals and talent night.
The Cotillion is a combination of programs for exceptional young African high school juniors (Debs-In-Waiting) and senior girls (Debutantes) from northwest Ohio. The members of the Toledo Club started their sponsorship in 1965 after the Bronze Raven News Paper discontinued their sponsorship which was used to sell their newspapers. It was changed from winners being selected because of the number of Bronze Raven subscriptions to the girl’s grade point average, not being pregnant or having a child and of good moral charter. Not who their parents are or what position they hold in the community or who your friends might be, it is because of the hard work and volunteer service that you have given to your community and your character.
The Cotillion is an 8-month project that starts with:
- Requesting names of young women that meet the criteria that would like to participate.
- Letters sent to girls and parents inviting them to the Informational Tea in December.
- Screening and interviews in January
- 11 weekly waltz rehearsals
- Biweekly workshops
- Talent Rehearsals and Talent Night
- Etiquette Seminar
- Debutante/Mothers Luncheon at Inverness Country Club
- Debutante Cotillion Ball in May
The Cotillion Scholarships have grown from $500.00 to over $6,000.00 From 1965 to 2024 through to Funding of Corporate Sponsors. Judges for the Talent and Debutante Ball are chosen from the community and the club has no impute into the choosing of the winners, they only give the judges a point system to use in their selection.
The scholarships are given the night of the Ball. Finale winners are chosen by points from activities, Talent and the Waltz scores. The University of Toledo awards (The Presidents Community Scholarships) to a Number of Debutantes (seniors) that want to attend the University) Mr. Escort receives a cash award and Miss Congeniality receives a prize from Henry’s Jewelry. Taylor Automotive will be awarding cash awards to Talent winners.