Special to The Truth
Not many had much to say on December 18th that was exclusive of a heartfelt THANK YOU to Marjorie Holt, DMin, a longtime community advocate, educator and bishop, who surprised all of the students at Ella P. Stewart Academy for Girls, kindergarten through six grades, with a new pair of tennis shoes to carry home at the end of their day.
Each class entered the gymnasium with an element of anticipation as they took their designated positions, accompanied by their teachers. And as the gymnasium continued to be filled with the students, an aura of excitement and joy was finding its place as each of them would soon experience the reason for which they had entered. While the teachers were aware of what would be happening, the students seemed to sense that they were becoming a part of something that they had no idea as to what was getting ready to happen.
The activity for the gifting of the tennis shoes to each student, had been set by Shannon Carter, principal. Prior to this day coming, Bishop Holt contacted Carter about this idea and eagerly anticipated that this day would come. Each teacher had been asked to provide the names and sizes of the students in their class.
After being introduced to the students, Holt spoke and provided them with a cheerful, positive chant and message as she asked them to repeat after her. She engaged them in a chant with these words: “If I can think it in my head, believe it in my heart, see it with my eyes, I can be somebody!”
The students shouted it out with an arousing, cheerful response, which was probably evident because they knew then that she had delivered each of them a new pair of tennis shoes. The shoes were topped off with a backpack that the shoes were placed in. The backpacks were donated by U.M.A.D.A.O.P. of Lucas County with bold words printed on them that read “SPREAD THE LOVE,” which is a recent campaign that has taken off and gained traction and momentum at a fast pace in the community.
Holt stated that this was truly an act of LOVE. She further stated that she hopes that those of us who understand the importance of loving our children, especially during these critical times, would realize that our children still need a village. The message loud and clear by the bishop, with this phenomenal gift to the students at Ella P. Stewart, is to rethink how we can give of our time, talent, and don’t be too narrow in our scope when investing in our young people.
Principal Carter stated that “this would be a day that the 167 students receiving shoes, would never forget!” Holt stated that she lives with this mantra, “To whom much is given, much is required” because “giving is living”
The teachers also shared the appreciation for this gesture and cheers and participated in dispensing the shoes to each student in their class. Giving is not an enigma nor is it strange to Holt. She has been a longtime advocate for children in this community. She retired from Lucas County Children Services in 2015 and is presently a Consultant at U.M.A.D.A.O.P. under the leadership of John Edwards, Sr., as well as senior pastor at Bethesda Christian Center. She states simply that she believes that as Builders and Visionaries, we should pave the way, make the way, and prepare to get out of the way!