The Truth Staff
Taylor Automotive employees from all over the region came together last week at the Perrysburg headquarters to help assemble food bags for youngsters as part of Connecting Kids to Meals’ mission to alleviate hunger in the area. The food was donated by Tylor Auto and the bags also contained messages of encouragement for the youngsters.
“If you are an eight-year-old kid, just getting this bag, what positive message would [you receive]?” asked Wendi Huntley, CEO of Connecting Kids to Meals as the Taylo staff was just about ready to line up to assemble the bags. “Do you appreciate hearing ‘you can do anything if you put your mind to it’ or ‘you are loved. Any message to a kid … a lot are facing challenging times and your positive message may be the only kind thing they see that day or that weekend.”
The Taylor staff then filled 400 bags of food which are to be distributed to the various partner organizations in the Toledo area, said Huntley. As for Taylor, this was another chapter in a partnership that has lasted for almost six years. The past donations have included a van that is used for delivery of meals to various school locations.
“We are proud to partner with them,” said Steve Taylor. “It’s a great partnership.
The mission of Connecting Kids to Meals (formerly, Feed Lucas County Children) is to provide hot, nutritious meals at no cost to children in low-income and underserved areas throughout the entire year.