By Dawn Scotland
The Truth Reporter
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church celebrated their Annual Women’s Day Sunday, September 15. The theme for the celebration was “The Transformative Power of a Woman’s Voice” using scriptures from Psalms 141:3; Proverbs 18:21 and Ephesians 4:29. The colors were white accented with shades of blue.
The spirit filled worship service featured speaker Reverend Barbie Harriston, associate minister of United Missionary Baptist Church as well as guest soloists and special tributes to the women of St. Paul.
Sunday School began at 10:00 a.m. with Worship Service at 10:45. Praise and Worship was led by Sister Deborah Gardner, Sister Daisy Fisher and the St. Paul Deaconesses.
Elder Jenai Hicklin of New Leaf Group, Inc served as guest worship leader for the service providing her powerful testimony and praise.
The chairperson for this years’ Women’s Day celebration was Sister Sharonda Diggins along with Co-Chairperson Valerie S. Walston. Walston provided the welcome greeting guest and opening the service.
“Here at St. Paul, we say welcome by the feeling and the power of the holy ghost,” stated Watson, “We say welcome by singing the songs of Zion so you can feel the sweet, sweet spirit of the Lord in this place. You are welcome to praise the Lord, make some new friends, give some tithes and offering. You are also welcome to help us honor the women at St. Paul and all over this world. Welcome in the precious and matchless name of our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ.”

The Women’s Day Choir was led by Sister Deborah Gardner and featured guest soloists Sister Barbara J. Crowell of Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church and Sister Eloise Hutchen of Jerusalem Baptist Church.
The Women’s Day Litany was led by Sister Cherine Mitchell, The Altar Call by Sister Pamela Clark, Altar/ Offertory Prayer by Sister Fannie Ivery and Scripture by Sister Mary Liggins.
Special tributes included a candlelight memorial led by Sister Kimberly Cunningham commemorating the women of St. Paul that had passed within the year, an Unsung Hero Award that was presented by Sis. J’Vann Winfield to Deaconess Yvonne Gayle and a special presentation of flowers to First Lady Linnie Willis.
The speaker for the celebration was Reverend Barbie J. Harrison who spoke on the theme “The Transformative Power of a Woman’s Voice.” Harriston is a native of Shreveport, LA. She attended Grambling State University in Grambling, LA. She holds a post master’s degree in education with an emphasis in Agency Counseling and Clinical Studies from the University of Toledo. She completed two years toward a Master of Divinity Degree from Winebrenner Theological Seminary in Findlay, Ohio.
She was president/CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Ohio for 20+ years receiving many accolades, awards/grants and citations for outstanding leadership locally and nationally. She worked in leadership positions at United Way of Greater Toledo and the Lucas County Mental Health Board. Harrison has been a leader in the community volunteering in many civic groups and community activities. Currently, she is the first incoming Chairwoman of the Area Office on Aging’s Board of Directors.

Rev. Harrison accepted the call to preach the Gospel in January 2012 and publicly announced her calling in 2013. She preached her First Sermon June 8, 2014, at the Historic Third Baptist Church where she was ordained as one of the church’s first women Deacons. Rev. Harrison was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel under the tutelage of Pastor Robert Bass at United Missionary Baptist Church in June 2021 where she now serves as Associate Minister, Superintendent of Sunday School, Sunday School Teacher and the Missionary Ministry.
The Announcements / Recognition of Guests was given by Sister Debbie Dean Mitchell , following were remarks from Women’s Day Chairperson Sister Sharonda Diggins and Benediction/ Remarks by Senior Pastor of St. Paul MBC Dr. Rev. James H. Willis, Sr.
“We are grateful to God for another opportunity to celebrate our Annual Women’s Day here at St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church. We are grateful for the things He has done and will continue to do. Our celebration this year speaks volume for the women of St. Paul as they have invested so much time on this assignment. There has been so much love shown in the process,” remarked Rev. Dr. Willis.
Guests enjoyed light refreshments following service. The service can be viewed on St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church’s livestream on the church’s Facebook page.