By Paul Hubbard
Guest Column
There is a lot of chatter, media hype and conversation about the 2024 November presidential election. Most of it is about getting the younger generations out to vote. I want to remind everyone that the African American Senior Citizen population has a lot to lost or gain in this election also.
The fast-approaching presidential election will be, among other things, a referendum on our nation’s sacred obligation to ensure the health and safety of our senior citizens.
At the top of the list of older American’s issues are 1. Protecting Social Security; 2. Health care that’s affordable; 3. Support for family care givers; 4. Food on the tables; 5. Rent/mortgage and utilities; 6. Personal needs.
Social Security is money you earned through a lifetime of hard work. It ensures affording everyday expenses such as groceries, gas, housing and personal expenses. The AARP June 2023 report says 96 percent of Americans identified Social Security as an important government programs.
AARP goes on to say 75 percent of Americans say Social Security is more important after COVID because of high inflation. We need to vote for politicians who will support and increase Social Security.
As the number of African American senior citizens living alone has increased, we need to elect a president, Congress members, Senate members and other elected legislators who will pass laws to support care givers. These laws could be tax credits, cutting red tape to approve care giving, improving coordination across government and health care systems with care givers/giving.
Affordable health care is a must for African Americans seniors. We should not have to choose between paying for housing, food and health care in our budget. Affordable and accessible transportation is also a must in 2024.
Let’s vote for a president and legislators who will support this.
Let’s have political conversation among ourselves, our families, our churches and our groups just as the rest of American is doing.
Paul L. Hubbard, President of Comfort Care Senior Services.