The Truth Staff
This summer’s Youth Football Camp, hosted by CareSource, was held on Friday, July 26 at Central Catholic High School. The free football camp was held for youth grades one through eight and had 275 kids register in advance.
The CareSource staff also welcomed the help of the Ohio State University football teams and the presence of Buckeyes Jaden Ballard, wide receiver; Lorenzo Styles, wide receiver and Sonny Styles, defensive back.
The youth were able to learn football fundamentals and develop skills in a number of disciplines with hands on coaching and encouragement from the older players and advisers.
“This youth football camp coordinated by ProCamp was very well organized and orchestrated as well over 100 youth attended and had so much fun learning and following directions,” said Terry Crosby, Taylor Automotive community ambassador and quite the athlete – both football and basketball – in his youth.