By Rev. Donald L. Perryman, Ph.D.
The Truth Contributor
In 1968, my father was one of the most hated men in America, and now he’s one of the most loved men in the world. So much so that people take liberties and take different quotes to fit their situation, and nothing is more frustrating for me than that. – Bernice King
During last week’s Super Wild Card Weekend, the phrase “Be Love” was prominently displayed on every player’s helmet and stenciled in the end zone as part of the NFL’s tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Although most contemporary MLK celebrations emphasize King’s rhetoric of love and unity, King’s actual impact and focus transcends far beyond the media-generated optical illusion of his message as merely a call to reject hate or racial prejudice and replace them with love, unity, and reconciliation.
Instead, King emphasized that racism had deep-rooted economic consequences, affecting the livelihoods and wealth accumulation of Black Americans. Thus, King’s advocacy for economic justice was rooted in the recognition that racism had created generational wealth for white Americans while simultaneously robbing Black Americans of economic opportunities.
His analysis of the financial impacts of white supremacy challenged the status quo, made him a controversial figure during his lifetime, and ultimately led to his martyrdom.
To fully grasp the importance of MLK’s message, we must recognize wealth distribution’s critical role in shaping individuals’ and communities’ social and economic outcomes. Lisa Camner McKay’s (2022) analysis, “Why Wealth Matters,” underscores the significance of wealth as a determinant of opportunities and disparities in the United States.
Wealth distribution in the United States has long been scrutinized, primarily due to its pronounced skew and its profound influence on various aspects of life. Beyond the ability to purchase material goods, wealth determines access to education, healthcare, business opportunities, safe neighborhoods and political influence.
As McKay’s analysis highlights, wealthier families are better equipped to access elite education, start businesses, finance essential medical procedures and quality healthcare services, and reside in neighborhoods with higher amenities. Moreover, they possess the resources to influence politicians and political campaigns, secure top-tier legal counsel when needed, leave substantial legacies to their offspring, and weather financial emergencies.
The disparities in wealth distribution in the United States are staggering. Despite comprising only 60 percent of the population, white Americans hold a substantial 84 percent of the nation’s total wealth. In contrast, Black Americans, constituting 13 percent of the population, possess a mere 4 percent of the wealth.
This discrepancy becomes even more glaring when considering that the wealth of the richest 400 Americans is roughly equivalent to the combined wealth of 43 million Black Americans.
Moreover, the most striking aspect of this economic injustice lies in the widening wealth disparities. While millions continue to struggle without jobs, living wages, secure housing, or adequate healthcare, corporations and the wealthy have thrived. Billionaire wealth surged by $1.5 trillion between 2020 and 2022, painting a stark picture of inequality.
Updating Dr. King’s Dream necessitates confronting this stark imbalance in economic fortunes. And, obviously, such disparities underscore the urgent need to address racial economic injustice in our society.
What is a solution?
Some, like scholars Hamilton and Darity (2010), advocate for a shift in perspective from aiming for a race-neutral America to aspiring for a race-fair America. They assert that true progress in achieving economic justice should entail the complete cessation of the intergenerational transmission of racial economic advantages or disadvantages.
Others, like the reinstituted Poor People’s Campaign, whose mission seeks to resurrect King’s emphasis on the interconnectedness of racial and economic injustice, are calling for reparations and embracing nonviolent civil disobedience to create a more just and inclusive society.
What is clear is that the message that Dr. King so eloquently articulated was not a mere fantasy about achieving some superficial harmony. Nor was King’s vision the misappropriated, often cherry-picked quotes emphasizing the conjured-up fictional colorblind idea of “judging individuals by the content of their character” while glossing over the Dream’s radical elements, including its vehement critique of economic inequality and a call for disruptive, systemic change.
To honor MLK’s true Dream of a just and equitable society, then, we must commit to implementing policies that promote both wealth redistribution and wealth accumulation within marginalized communities. Only through such holistic efforts can we hope to bridge the racial wealth gap and advance toward the society envisioned by Dr. King—one where economic justice is a reality for all.
Only then will King’s Dream be a tangible reality and not the mirage created from the imagination of the media and the complicit consent of an undiscerning public.
Contact Rev. Donald Perryman, PhD at drdlperryman@centerofhopebaptist.org