By Paul Hubbard, Grammateus (Secretary) Alpha Phi Boule
Guest Column
This year the brothers of the Toledo Boule decided to use their summer event, a white party gala, to highlight the Toledo African American Legacy Project Museum. There were about 50 Black men and women in attendance from Toledo, Detroit, Lansing, Ann Arbor, Dayton and Cleveland who enjoyed tours and learning about the Toledo African American Legacy Project Museum. Robert Smith, president and CEO of the Museum did an excellent job in hosting for the Museum.
Those in attendance learned that many inductees in the Museum’s history and present are Toledo Boule members. The Boule President (Grand Sire Archon) Dr. Mallory Williams, MD, spoke about how important it is to support this type of Black history. I would recommend that more organization use this museum for their affairs, especially youth affairs.
The group enjoyed live entertainment from Lady K (Karen Harris) and her group as they preformed on the patio surrounded by well-groomed flowers. The brunch was catered by “The Hot Box” much to the enjoyment of the brunch guests.