By Tricia Hall
The Truth Reporter
True Vine Missionary Baptist Church, located on Russell Street, held the worship and installation service of Rev. Wilbur Lewis, Sr, the new pastor, on Sunday, February 19, 2023.
The full-day celebration began with Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., morning service at 10:45 a.m. and evening service at 4:00 p.m.
The morning service opened with spiritual devotion led by the church deacons, responsive reading inspired by scripture, and inspired selections from Voices of True Vine.
Jamila Scott Coleman of True Vine, introduced the morning guest preacher, Rev. Benny Henry, the pastor of Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Milport, Alabama. The evening worship and installation service began with a praise and worship devotion, and also musical selections from Voices of True Vine and Bethlehem Baptist Church.
Coleman introduced the evening service guest preacher, Rev. Derek Arnold, DMin, the pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Toledo. Rev. Arnold also facilitated the installation service and presentation of gifts. Deaconess Baker served as the mistress of ceremonies and the service concluded with remarks and benediction from the newly installed pastor of True Vine Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. Lewis.
In speaking about Rev. Lewis prior to the installation, Rev. Arnold shared words of encouragement with the congregation and guests in attendance.
“Rev. Lewis comes from good stock. His mother and his father were good people. Plus Rev. Lewis is born again. I expect nothing less from him, because he is born again.”
Rev. Lewis was baptized and joined Toledo’s Bethlehem Baptist Church at the age of nine, and while attending Bethlehem, he received the call to preach under the leadership of Rev. Fred Blanton. Rev. Lewis’ trial sermon was in October 1989, he preached from the Biblical scripture of 1 King 18:21. He later earned a major in Pastoral Care and minor in Christian Education from Selma University under the Theology program.
“We’re excited to start an outreach program for the community. It will serve as a safe space for activity, study and mentoring by trusted adults,” shared Rev. Lewis.
True Vine Missionary Baptist Church is located at 739 Russell Street in Toledo, Ohio near Stickney Ave. Sunday school traditionally begins at 9:30 a.m. and morning worship at 10:45 a.m. For additional information contact the church at 419-726-8148.