By Tricia Hall
The Truth Reporter
Sunday, February 12, 2023 was a momentous occasion as the congregation and leaders of the historic Indiana Avenue Missionary Baptist Church welcomed Rev. William C. Foster, Sr, the pastor-elect.
“Still trying to process God calling me to a historic church. It doesn’t seem real. People have said to me, that God got you, and I don’t take that lightly. I want to do God’s will, no matter what it looks like,” shared Rev. Foster.
The service opened with a high energy and spiritual devotion led by the church’s deacons, immediately followed by the congregational song, scripture reading, and prayer. The pews were filled with smiling faces and hand claps as the newly elected pastor was escorted to the pulpit. Rev. Graham led the church congregational hymn and the service continued with several congregational hymns sang by the church choir.
The service continued with a Black History Month presentation by Ward Barnett Jr, tithes and offering, recognition of visitors, induction of officers and sermon from the pastor-elect.
Rev. Foster wanted the congregation and guests to hear and feel moments from the congregation’s history that will shape and influence the future. “I want to shine a light on where the church has been and where the calling is for the next chapter. I understand the shoulders I am standing on, he was a giant. I will always honor Dr. Roberts and Mother Roberts legacy, but God has called me to be William Foster. All I would do God a disservice, if I didn’t stay true to his calling for me.”

Rev. Foster was born in Kokomo, Indiana and credits his strong spiritual upbringing to his parents, James Foster, and Michelle Copeland and Mike Copeland. Rev. Foster accepted Christ and was baptized at the age of seven at Second Missionary Baptist Church, by 2010 he was a member at Mt. Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church, accepted the call to preach and preached his initial sermon in 2012, earned his license to preach in 2014 and ordained in 2022.
He graduated from Indiana University with a bachelor in general studies and is currently attending Baptist Seminary of Kentucky to pursue a Masters of Divinity in Pastoral Care and Counseling. Rev. Foster is married to Brittany and father to a two-year old son.
The service concluded with church announcements, communion and benediction.
The Indiana Avenue Missionary Baptist Church is located at 640 Indiana Ave in Toledo, Ohio. Service is held in-person and live streamed each Sunday at 10:30am.