By Tricia Hall
The Truth Reporter
The Toledo Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated celebrated 50 years of serving the local community. The celebration was held on Saturday, February 12, 2022 at the Glass Pavilion.
The occasion began with a president’s welcome, a spirit-filled invocation delivered by the sorority’s Midwest Regional Chaplain, a catered lunch, the featured speaker, along with special presentations and closing comments.
“I appreciate the many charter sorors and chapter sorors who sacrificed so much over the years. I appreciate the light that there sorors have shown in the Toledo community,” said Evangelist Jacquelin Robbins Jackson, regional chaplain.

Shavon Arline-Bradley, co-chairwoman of National Social Action Committee of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was the featured speaker. Bradley is the founding principal of R.E.A.C.H. Beyond Solutions LLC, a public health, policy, faith and executive leadership firm. Bradley is also co-founder of health equity collaboration, former director from the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General and executive vice president with NAACP. She earned a bachelors and masters from Tulane University in New Orleans. Bradley is a member of Links and Jack & Jill of America, published author, mother and wife.
The program publicly read received proclamations from Toledo’s Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz and Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur’s offices, which congratulated the sorority on their historic accomplishment and expressed gratitude for their community impact. The celebration acknowledged the chapter’s charter members, and also sorority members who have reached 25 and 50 years of membership. Members collected black-authored children books which will be delivered to Ella P. Stewart Academy for Girls.
“Thanks to all sorors, friends, family, special guests, dignitaries and community leaders who took the time out of their busy schedules to celebrate Toledo Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated 50th anniversary. We are especially proud and grateful to the charter members of this alumnae chapter,” shared Rochelle Hall-Rollins, PhD, local chapter president.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. was founded on January 13, 1913 at Howard University, locally the Alumnae Chapter was charted on February 12, 1972.
Local chapter officers are: Rochelle Hall-Rollins, PhD, president; Meiuttenun Brown, 1st vice president; Ambershaun Byrd, 2nd vice president; Regina Vincent-Williams, recording secretary; Tene Jackson, financial secretary; Aleshia Furr, assistant financial secretary; Chantell Cargile, treasurer; Roxanne Quinn, assistant treasurer; and Kaylene Miller, IT Tech Chair.
The anniversary committee members: Meiuttenun Brown, PhD, Joyce Henderson, Jacqueline Hudson and Phyllis Wadley as Quad Chairs; and Trevor Black, Jeannette Bradley, Ambershaun Byrd, Cynthia Dye, Tene Jackson, Andrea Jones, Bessie Mack, Joanne Menefee, Crystal Monford and Erica Parish as committee members.