Special to The Truth
One of the staples of the Thanksgiving holiday is the Thanksgiving dinner, which for most people is a no brainer. They create a menu, purchase items needed and prepare the dinner for family and friends to enjoy.
While that is the story for most, there are some who have a different experience. Times are tough, and people are experiencing extenuating circumstances which have made it more challenging to celebrate the thanksgiving season.
With that in mind the United Vision Baptist Church hosted its annual Tanya Preston-Adams Thanksgiving Food Drive and Basket Give-A-Way. This drive was named after a former member of the church who has passed away but was a selfless giver who would help anyone that she knew was in need. After her passing, Rev Perry Harris III, Pastor of United Vision named this food drive and basket give-a-way after her to keep her memory and legacy going. Each year, United Vision has been blessed to serve at least 30 families with full Thanksgiving Baskets. Each baskets contains a turkey and all of the fixings, including dessert for a wonderful Thanksgiving Day meal.
Deacon Micheal Alexander Sr, chairman, and Mother Linda Thompson, co-chair of the Community and Scholarship ministry at United Vision work, along with donations from the membership of the church, to purchase and package the baskets.
“Real ministry is not about what it can do for me, but it is about what we can do for others,” states Alexander. He went on to say “Each year the number of requests increases which speaks to and validates the need for us to continue the work.” One of the mantras of United Vision is “Reaching People Where They Are,” this is one of the many events that the church does throughout the year to do just that.
On Tuesday, November 16, baskets were given away at the church. The joy on the faces of the those who received baskets was evident and their gratitude was stated over and over. Pastor Harris remarked “It is an honor for United Vision to be in a place where we can be a blessing to people during the holiday season. It is our hope that our small efforts bring great dividends to those we were able to assist this year. While Thanksgiving is an attitude we display year-round, it does not hurt to have a good meal as well.”